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Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Way This Anti-Vaxxer Gets Shut Down Is Brilliant

Like John Oliver has already said, when the Polio shot came out, people lined up for it like it was the latest iPhone. However, despite millions of lives different vaccines have saved so far, small groups have been – and still are – skeptical about them. For example, one anti-vaxxer has posted a picture on tumblr why they believe people should ‘re-think vaccines,’ and it infuriated one immunologist so much, he took the time to craft an epic response to it.

Despite calling the author of the image (and those who share the same views) “the worst” people, he also thoroughly explained why. The epic rant is witty and, most importantly, backed up by science, and we thought you just have to read it. Scroll down to read why you need to vaccinate your kids!



  1. Nothing brilliant about his response. Notice he didn't even mention the autism link with vaccines.

    Did you know you can't vaccine your way out of the flu, yet they keep promoting it all the while admitting it doesnt work. How messed up is that. Did you know there was no ACTUAL evidence that getting the flu shot minimized the flu symptoms. For decades you have been coerced into getting a shot that HAS NEVER WORKED

    DId you know that the gardisil campaign to force vaccinations on teenagers was paid and promoted by big pharma to make money? DId you know that now they are going after your 8 year old to force them into gardisil vaccination?

    Did you know there used to be mercury in vaccinations and because they discovered it was TOXIC they took it out?

    DId you know that they had NO EVIDENCE that shooting up poultry with antibiotics did anything good? DId you know that the poultry industry was the biggest antibiotic buyer? But now you find out for decades the false narrative made up by big pharma was making you ill and antibiotic resistant?

    Keep sipping the Koolaide there kiddies.

  2. Gotta love those drunken scientists.

  3. pay no attention to the bonuses given by BCBS to pediatricians to "fully" vaccinate THE CHILDREN or to the secret vaccine court

  4. @12:07

    Uh, yes. Autism WAS addressed. There has been NO credible peer reviewed consensus that immunizations cause autism. AT ALL. That would be EVER.

    There IS mountains of evidence that vaccinations save lives.

    See, the cool thing about Science, is that it's peer reviewed.. .and if you are right about something, the consensus changes and you probably get enshrined in history forever and probably win a Nobel Award. Credible peer reviewed science is the single best form of vetting truth there has ever been.

    But you keep wearing that hat of tin. Don't get your family members vaccinated, we need to thin the herd anyway... survival of the fittest and all...

  5. @12:07
    Did you read it? From the article-
    "It has been claimed with NO tangible evidence that thiomersals cause autism. This has been investigated thoroughly and no causal link has been found."

    From attorney Leah Durant who files applications at the Vaccine Court-
    "Vaccines keep us healthy. They eradicate disease. If I had children, I would get them vaccinated."

  6. 2:11 PM & 2:36 PM ha ha ha research paid for by big pharma.
    you people are ridiculous. that's why there is a secret vaccine court.
    because its not real. brainwashed fools

  7. The Achilles heel of the internet is that it gives people like 1207 a podium..

  8. 4:08 PM obviously you got the same podium time.

  9. What about the FACT that Big Pharma SAID themselves that the vaccine developed for this year is for a different strain than the one actually washing through the USA this year. THAT MEANS it DOESN'T WORK! The best it can do is teach your immune system how to fight off the strain that may hit here next year.

  10. VAXXED documentary provides an opportunity for you to view 2 ex-CDC employees tell the truth about the MMR and Autism.
    Direct causal link between the two.

  11. 402
    Thank you for telling the truth

  12. 408
    How does it feel up there at that PODIUM?

    Clue: YOU are typing on the internet!

    Now you feel pretty stupid, don't you?

  13. 6:44 PM Actually it does not "teach" your system to fight it in the future. The latest research shows just the opposite and it was widely reported that getting the flu shot does more harm than good and your systems is not able to fight the flu as strongly in the future due to the shots

    Now be a good koolaid drinker and roll your sleeve up because big pharma told you too and the MSM is on their payroll.

    Are you people really that naive? Every time you change the channel someone is telling you to get shot up. Very sadly people die every year of the flu and every year it is the same reporting of disease, panic, and chaos. MSM brainwashing.

  14. 2:36 PM - If thiomersals wasn't a problem then why was it removed from vaccines. It was also removed from over the counter saline nasal sprays.

  15. 733
    Thank you for telling the truth.

    Most people simply cannot fathom (for some reason) that Big Pharma and the US government are evil.
    They cannot allow themselves to accept this fact.
    There is plenty of evidence to indicate that they lie about everything to us all the time.
    Too much profit involved to trust these animals.

    Pure evil.

    Did you know they now "vaccinate" a newborn infant (on the 1st day of life) against Hepatitis?
    One can only contract Hepatitis from one of two methods: blood transfusion & intravenous drug use.

    How many 1 day old infants do you know are involved with shooting up drugs?
    Think about it.

  16. At a minium, please ask / demand a mercury free vaccine.
    It is the very least you can do for yourself and loved ones.

  17. I can't believe I have to type this:

    Mercury does not belong in the human body.

    What is wrong with people?

  18. I’m still going to get my flue shot.

  19. Oh so the rebuttal is by a guy PAID TO MAKE VACCINES!!!
    That's like a DT reporter telling you how great their paper is.


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