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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The School Breakfast Program

Maryland Meals for Achievement (MMFA)
What is MMFA?
Maryland Meals for Achievement (MMFA), launched in 1998, is a successful state program that allows high-poverty schools to provide free Breakfast After the Bell to all students. This supports both health and learning, with a lasting positive impact on students across the state.
How Does MMFA Work?
To be eligible for MMFA funding, a school must have at least 40% of its students qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Schools must also shift the time they serve breakfast, serving it as part of the school day (like lunch) instead of before school starts.
MMFA is Good For Students, Good For Schools
Nearly 66% of students in MMFA schools participate in the school breakfast program (compared with 27% of other Maryland public schools). Having this morning meal makes a difference; studies show that students in MMFA schools demonstrate better educational performance, improved health and a decrease in discipline problems. 
The MMFA Return On Investment
Every dollar of state MMFA funding leverages $5.46 in federal reimbursements.
The MMFA Need
Under the current level of MMFA funding at $6.9 million, only 54% of eligible schools are able to participate. Increasing funding by $4.9 million would allow 100% of eligible schools to participate. 
The number of additional Maryland students who would benefit from a fully expanded implementation of MMFA. Fully expanded MMFA would benefit a total of 388,390 Maryland students.
Number of schools eligible for MMFA funding in Maryland. Excludes CEP schools.
Number of schools able to participate in MMFA under the current funding levels.
$4.9 million
Additional amount needed in the Maryland State Department of Education's budget to reach 100% of high-poverty schools in Maryland. 


  1. 12 million to feed 388,390 kids breakfast? Parents don't know how to put cereal in a bowl? If they are poor they get WIC / food stamps. How are they unable to feed their kids when we give them money too?

  2. How about the parents, or parent take responsibility for their children. We shouldn't have to pay for their choices in life!!! Why should the tax payer suffer on their behalf? I believe in helping people giving them a hand up, but not a hand out!!!!!!!!!!! There are other outlets for helping the poor, like the food bank and local church organizations. I don't think the tax payer should be held accountable for peoples mistakes.

  3. Forgive me, I'm awful when it comes to math.
    $11.8M for 388,390 students.
    Roughly $30.40 per student.
    Divided by 180 school days is .16 cents per day.

    Am I missing something?? .16 cents a day and my tax dollars contribute to $12M for X percentage to get breakfast because a parent doesn't have the wherewithal NOT buy that $50 carton of cigs...A WEEK???

    I'm sorry, we p*ss so much money away each and EVERY year.

  4. Schools are not there to feed the kids. Spare me the progressive Spew. It is the families responsibility to feed their own kids. if you can't do that basic thing then don't have kids.

  5. Look at the unhealthy breakfast options that they get-- honey buns and other junk

  6. It's called laziness. Oh they know how to make the baby but when it comes to taking care of children they can't be bothered because some want to make themselves feel special for doing this instead of holding parents responsible. Dogs make better parents then the garbage who can't even be bothered feeding their children breakfast.
    And don't anyone dare come on here and say they can't or this is unchristian. What is unchristian is enabling people to be lazy trash. If your kid has to eat breakfast at school you are a worthless POS.

  7. Another big issue is these kids are losing class time!!!

  8. Enabling a new generation of criminals. From public schools to prison!
    Waste of time, resources, and tax money for a segment of society who won't amount to much, but a drain on society, much like a parasite.


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