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Thursday, February 22, 2018

The flu vaccine depends on a person's immune history

Everyone has their own unique response to the flu - vaccinated or not - researchers found as they worked to uncover the flaws in the shot.

This season's flu vaccine was only about 36 percent effective overall and only 25 percent effective against the predominant and deadly H3N2 strain.

As was the case during the 2012-2013 flu season, many experts have raised concerns that the strain used to make the preventative medicine had mutated during its production in eggs, rendering it ineffective.

However, new research from the University of Chicago and Harvard University has shown that flu vaccine's effectiveness may depend more on what flu strains you've been exposed to over your whole life than on what is in the shot.



  1. Soooo, getting the flu is better for you than getting a shot.

  2. For those who wear tin foil hats:

    A little bit of mercury is good for you

  3. "A little bit of mercury is good for you."

    Absurd for anyone to say that. YOU drink the Kool-Aid. I'd rather not poison myself willfully. My objection to the Flu Vaccine is not over any mercury, it is because it it does more harm, than good. People who are persuaded to get the shot think they have been immunized, and therefore do not put the necessary emphasis on the good hygiene practices that are more effective than any flu vaccine. The lack of emphasis on hygiene (keep hands clean at all times, don't touch any part of face without washing hands first, etc.)is costing people their lives by BELIEVING that the vaccine will protect them. The pharmaceutical industry is pushing an ineffective product on patients in their never ending quest for enormous profits. They don't make any money off of people that practice good hygiene. People that practice good hygeine avoid getting the flu, and also passing it on to others. Again, YOU drink the Kool-Aid. An extensive educational campaign for safe hygiene practices will go much farther in preventing the flu, and flu epidemics, than any vaccine. I don't remember flu epidemics before there were flu vaccines.

  4. 1002
    I read 907's comment as sarcasm.
    Probably would make the same points you make.

    Obviously, any mercury is bad for a living creature.
    The fact that mercury is present in ALL vaccines is evidence that Big Pharma is NOT trying to help anybody.
    Rather, Big Pharma is part of the globalist network to depopulate the planet.

    Your points are on target.

    Thank you


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