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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Texas Sheriff Who Allows Teachers To Carry Firearms Leaves MSNBC’s Jaw On The Floor

The debate over guns in America has surged again to the forefront of conversation in the wake of the horrific school shooting in Florida last week.

A deranged gunman went on a rampage through the Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17. Many are calling for stricter gun laws in the wake of the shooting. One of the students of Stoneman Douglas said this weekend that his coach, who died in the shooting, would have then able to confront the gunman had he been able to carry his firearm to school.

While the idea of arming teachers is a controversial one nationally, a school district in Texas has been arming their teachers for over 4 years. The Argyle School Independent School District decided in 2014 to allow highly trained members of staff to carry guns on campus to prevent mass shootings.

On MSNBC this weekend, Sheriff Paul Cairney of Argyle, Texas, described the process by which staff members can carry firearms in the school district. The Sheriff said that the staff at the school who choose to carry a firearm go through an intense round of interviews and training before they are allowed to carry on campus. The MSNBC host was flabbergasted at the practice and asked the Sheriff about concerns for the safety of the students in the school when there are firearms around.



  1. And how many times have they had to draw their weapons???? My guess is probably none! And how many active shooters have tried to attack the school??? My guess is probably none. But the anti-gun activists still feel this is not the way to correct the problem....you can't fix stupid!!!!! Please....please....please...some liberal or anti-gun activist give me FACTS, not opinions on how this is not successful.....all I hear are crickets!!!

    1. There was an armed deputy on school grounds at the time. A lot of good that did. But give every teacher a gun, I believe that will be your next point. They'll need to be locked up in the classroom, hope they can open that locker fast. Hope they'll bring them out to fire drills with them. Hope they'll be covering corners when students leave for the day. It doesn't make sense. You're just so simple that the only thing you know is to fight fire with fire.

      As the person suggesting something would work YOU have the burden of proof. Do you wear a seatbelt even though you have never been ejected through the windshield? Same concept jackass

    2. Please...please...Please tel me you didn't reproduce

  2. Libs will be the 1st line of defense when war is declared in our country. They will be the 1st line to quickly call for all gun owners to help! Sad pussy wearing hat citizens indeed!

  3. Excellent point, 5:29! And I'll bet a shooting at that school will never happen with this in place. This is the best fix I can think of, but I would include students of age in universities as well.

    1. Sorry, we already have a pretty heavy courseload and we're too busy working two jobs to put ourselves through school after the economy you left us. I think we'll just go ahead and make the gun laws make sense. But you keep doin you, im sure the shore will stay the very same way its been for generations to come so dont you worry.

  4. Remember when Reagan was shot while surrounded by armed guards? Did you know Columbine, VA Tech and Parkland all had armed guards? It's time to spend money on our pathetic excuse for a mental healthcare system not on weapons.

    1. Don't you know that if your 9th grade math teacher took one class he'd be a single man swat team?

  5. Y'all want to require teachers to take gun trainings when they have to teach students who don't have 3 square meals a day like prisoners get. When the schools facilities are crumbling. That's America for you. We have an ignorance problem. It starts with you shorebillies who haven't left the same plot of land in decades

  6. 11:02. Yes we do have an ignorance problem. It's people like YOU

  7. 6:35 great comeback. I'm sure you learned it in 2nd grade shortly before you dropped out. Do you have anything productive to say or is "I know you are but what am I?" your most advanced thought?

  8. 8:06. You are close. I made it to third grade. One year more than you.

  9. What's the difference between a cop with a gun or a teacher? With proper training.


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