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Thursday, February 08, 2018

Suicide Rate Highest in Decades But Worst in Rural America

Demographics, gun ownership and the economy largely account for the regional differences.

For years, confronting mental health issues has been a persistent challenge in a sparsely populated part of Alaska known as the Kusilvak Census Area. Most of its remote villages, which are home primarily to Alaska Natives who mostly work in the fishing industry, lack health clinics, and the closest hospital is a long plane ride away.

This and other factors have contributed to an alarmingly high number of residents taking their own lives. The area of approximately 8,000 people recorded a staggering 49 suicide deaths between 2012 and 2016 -- thehighest rate of any county-level jurisdiction in the country.

Suicide is a perennial problem throughout the nation. The latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data shows the 2016 national age-adjusted suicide rate reached the highest level seen in decades.


1 comment:

  1. I always encourage those who piss and moan about Trump, that yes, you need to end the pain. Sad that Hillary lost, yup, you need to just end it.


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