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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Strict Immigration Enforcement = Wage Increases

A record number of small business owners have raised wages for their American workers as President Trump’s administration has ushered in a new era of a tighter labor market with strict immigration enforcement.

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) monthly jobs report found that a record number of small businesses say they have increased the wages of their workers to keep and attract more qualified workers.

The report found:


  1. Big nothing burger. What they actually DO and what they say they do are often 2 different things. Excuse me for not being excited over wage increases that should have happened a decade ago.

  2. Good Enforcement = Jobs for Real Americans !!!! Legal ones ..........

  3. The democrats are all for unchecked immigration to keep people in chains by keeping them poor. Democrats are controlled by big business.
    Less people ready and willing and able to work for slave wages means no hope of ever getting raises and the companies get richer. Companies should have to compete for employees by offering better wages and benefits but they don't because of the democrats.

  4. Wage increases mean price increases. Just so you know

  5. With these great tax cuts, there should be no problem implementing paid sick days in MD.

  6. But, but, but these are the jobs that Americans don't want to do!!

  7. Americans don't Want to do ALOT of bad jobs , But Have To

    anyway , so at least these will be available too to the

    Legal Americans , who WILL do them , even if they don't

    like them, just like the Many others !!

    There are Not many who Do like their job in my world !!!

    We don't need ILLEGALS to do Any jobs in America !!!!

  8. Yes , wages Increase when you, an American, have a job

    so don't give the jobs away to Illegals , taking our JOBS

    away !!! Not Rocket Science !!!


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