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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Steve Scalise: No 'magic law' will stop mass shootings

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise said Thursday there is “no magic law” Congress can pass to stop the next shooting from happening.

Scalise, who incurred a life-threatening gunshot wound when a gunman opened fire on a GOP baseball practice last summer, said the shooter at the high school in Parkland, Fla., had already broken multiple laws, and indicated one more law was unlikely to stop him.

“If you think there’s some magic, unicorn law that’s going to stop it from happening, just keep in mind that he violated probably dozens of laws already, including murdering people. That's against the law," Scalise, R-La., told Fox News host Laura Ingraham Thursday night.



  1. True, but outlawing Ar15s is a good start (and all civilian variants of the M16 and AK47).

  2. Outlawing any type of guns will do nothing to stop these mass murders. While you are at it you might as well outlaw cars, kitchen knives, box cutters, baseball bats. That is how stupid it is to think that you could pass any law that would stop this. it a person want to kill someone they will find a way to do it. Guns or no guns.

  3. Anonymous said...
    True, but outlawing Ar15s is a good start (and all civilian variants of the M16 and AK47).
    February 28, 2018 at 8:14 PM

    HOW is that a good start (or even a good idea)? You people CAN'T be THAT stupid. You just can't. I believe most of you are stupid but not that much.

    A certain group has been trying to disarm the American people for a long time. That isn't disputed. You started in the '30's and even more so in '68 and every so often since then. (in the name of safety of course)

    A rifle (ar-15, ak47, etc any of them) is the least firearm used in a murder. They are NOT assault rifles, nothing is unless they have select fire. All this gun control crap IS crap. It makes about as much sense as if your neighbor gets shot and the police come to your house to take your firearm. You had nothing to do with your neighbors shooting but since you happen to own one, it is confiscated.

    Nobody likes to say it but gun control is ineffective. Sure, prohibited people cannot walk into a gun store and legally buy any firearm. They don't even try in most cases. So how do they get firearms?

    I honestly do not know why people can't get that through their collective heads. They seem to think if they can somehow pass that one magic law the shootings would all end. If they can't understand that, it's no wonder we have these factless discussions all the time and even more so when there is a mass shooting.

    The guns are not the problem. They can't even load themselves let alone fire themselves. I know that is a senseless statement but they are the kinds of things we have to say to them to try to get them to understand, to no avail.

    Almost all psychiatric hospitals were closed or run down by the early 1990's. When mental health clinics close, what usually follows are anecdotal reports of an increased amount of emergency hospitalizations and incarcerations, says Alexa James, executive director of Chicago’s chapter of National Alliance on Mental Illness, a nationwide grassroots nonprofit that provides treatment, support, and advocacy for the mentally ill.
    In 2012, Chicago closed six of its 12 mental health clinics for budgetary reasons – and former patients are still reeling from the effects, James says. “At NAMI, we’ve seen our support groups double,” James observes. “We’ve seen incarceration rates go up, and we saw hospitalization rates go up within the communities we work with” – although she notes that privacy laws and other factors keep them from knowing the numbers.
    Cook County Sheriff Thomas Dart, who oversees Cook County Jail, the nation’s largest single-site jail, made a similar observation. “I talk to a lot of the detainees,” Dart says. “They frequently tell me, ‘They shut that clinic down that I used to go to all the time. Now I don't have anywhere to go, I’m off my meds now, [etc.]’ … People who traditionally never would've been in a criminal justice setting are now there by default.”

    Ronald Reagan, a lot of people's hero, did a lot of harm to the mentally unfit, first in the state of Cali. when he was Governor then as President of the U.S. Budget cuts, lack of matching funds to states, financial woes caused many mental health hospitals to close or become run down.

    I believe there is a direct correlation between mental health facilities being shut down and the rise of mass shootings. Where did those patients go when the hospitals had to close? Jail, the street. Going to other facilities was rare, as was families taking them in.

    Sorry this is so long, I will close now. But I am just so tired of a lot of people barking up the wrong trees, intentionally for some. It has NEVER been about the guns, I don't care how many politicians and anti-gunners claim that to be the case. Laws MAY make it harder for some to acquire firearms but they do NOT make it impossible by any stretch of the imagination.


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