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Monday, February 05, 2018

Steve Hilton: Yes there is a Deep State -- and Tony Blair warned me about it

In the months before the British general election of 2010, one of my responsibilities as Conservative Party Leader David Cameron’s senior adviser was to help prepare for what we hoped would soon be our first days and months in government.

We put together detailed implementation plans for our key policy priorities, devised a system of progress reporting to keep everything on track, and discussed how to organize things at 10 Downing Street and across Whitehall (the United Kingdom’s equivalent of the federal government).

As part of that process I spoke to a wide range of people who had worked inside government in various roles, to get their insights and advice. That included – in a somewhat clandestine way, given the fact that he was once a political opponent – former Labour Party Prime Minister Tony Blair. It was a fascinating conversation. Whatever you might think of his record, there’s no question that Blair is an incredibly impressive political figure with enormous experience.




  1. If you think that Hillary and Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters are of the caliber of people worthy to run the world's affairs, then God help you, and us.

  2. Dark majesty, none dare call it treason and hidden dangers of the rainbow. Some good books on the deep state and its army of deceiversand idealogy

  3. It is the DEEP CLINTON STATE !!!


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