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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Soros Calls on EU to Regulate Social Media to Fight Populism

Billionaire open-borders activist George Soros has demanded the European Union (EU) regulate social media because voters’ minds are being controlled and “manipulated”.

He claimed the size of social media firms made them a “public menace” and argued they had led people to vote against globalist causes, including electing President Donald J. Trump, in an article for The Guardian published Thursday.

The speculator, who runs one of the largest campaigning groups in the world and is noted for his interference in foreign politics and elections, said ultimately unregulated social media threatened democracy and the “integrity of elections”.

New media websites and populist groups have been prolific on social media, using the platforms to surpass mainstream media and promote causes Mr. Soros and his allies oppose.



  1. Who is he to demand anything from nations, let alone a union of nations whose members can plainly see that the end result is to give power to people like Soros and decimation of their individual nations under the weight of unfettered immigration of radical followers of Islam?

    1. I think maybe he's referring to the Russian trolls that acted on behalf of the Russian state to spread untrue propaganda during the election. Now before your head explodes I'm not saying Hillary should have won. There was a clear disruption of our Democracy and it should be noted and dealt with.

  2. Why is this convicted Felon even allowed into our country? I have a Felony and am denied entry into many countries, I ended up having to change jobs on account of it.

  3. Really! Your kidding me right.this buffon has some nerve. Talk about stiffling 1st admendment again!! Why is president of the libtards still allowed to breathe, and his little dogs too. Gitmo has a special place for him and his followers. Gallows be even better, but Revolution is in the air if this soros crap and the deep state dont cease. But since satan rules the roost with these clowns they will stop at nothing. So i expect More lies and death a coming from these people

  4. I am not against changing to the boxes, but wouldn't it be just as simple to limit the items that can be purchased to what would be sent out in the boxes? Just a thought. Example, no subway, no crabs, etc...I am sure there are hundreds of other items that are purchased with it. I used to have WIC, and I know that our items were very limited, right down to the size of the items purchased. If peanut butter said 16 oz and the store was out, you could not buy 2-8oz containers. It was quite regulated, but I was extremely thankful. I didn't even need the amount of milk that was allotted, and was pressed by the cashiers once or twice to go get more, but I didn't have a big fridge, nor did I need it so I did not get it. It was the baby formula that was a huge help. My youngin ended up on what I called liquid gold, and I was so thankful that it was covered. I am not on EBT or any assistance now, but I did use WIC for about 2 years, and was grateful for it. On the flip side, if the government chose to ship those items to me I would have been even happier...saving a trip to the store!

  5. So I just posted a long post on the wrong story..go figure. Sorry guys.

  6. So Soros wants social media to be controlled by him because he doesn't have control of it...what a self absorbed twit.

  7. The US and UN has made this idiot into someone who believes he is "GOD". The US will not do what the Netherlands done and that was confiscate all his assets and kick him out of the Country never to return. The Democrats want him here with his billions and socialistic views. Soros influences elections more than the Russians have ever done. The Democrats will never allow Soros and family to be ban from the US and confiscate all his / family assets in the US. Soros and family is a major factor in the destruction of the US democracy.

  8. The elites are so arrogant now that the population is dumbed down. . .

    They brag right out in the open about removing our freedoms.

    Hint: Zionism, NWO, Global Government, Communism

  9. He is an enemy of the state and should be treated as one the problem is he controls the democrat party.


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