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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sen. Cardin Files For Re-Election, Faces Chelsea Manning

Sen. Ben Cardin, a fixture in Maryland Democratic politics for more than five decades, filed Monday to run for a third term in the U.S. Senate.
Cardin, a former state lawmaker who went on to serve 10 terms in the House, has been building a campaign and fundraising operation for months — and was expected to run — but he had not previously directly answered questions about his intentions.
Known as an even-keeled lawmaker who enjoys getting into the weeds on policy, Cardin, 74, will face four other Democrats in the June 26 primary, most notably Chelsea Manning, the transgender Maryland woman who was convicted of sharing thousands of military documents with Wikileaks.


  1. As long as it is NOT Chelsea Clinton !!!

  2. And may the best man win!

  3. Cardin may win but he is just as crooked and dishonest as the rest of those democrats in Washington and Annapolis.

  4. Cardin supported Obama care, enough said!

  5. You mean Chelsea Hubbell? Chelsea is the spitting image of Clinton longtime friend Web Hubbell. This makes her one of the ugliest (both inside and outside) people walking the face of the earth. She also always looks like she could practice some personal hygiene. Her face and hair are always greasy and her teeth are disgustingly yellowed.

  6. Chelsea Manning is from MD???

  7. Manning is a convicted felon in my book and is still a member of the military thus he cannot hold office.

  8. Makes you proud to be a Marylander don't it?

  9. But I am sure that if Trump endorses you will vote for her/him.
    Mark my words

    1. Never. Trump would not endorse a traitor who caused the deaths of America soldiers.

  10. I hope HE beats Cardin in the primary - then HE will be court-martialed again! HE is still on active duty pending appeal - participating in politics is a violation!

    With Cardin out of the way, someone with ethics and brains may actually win here.....

  11. Read Cardin's glowing tribute to LBGT's here: https://www.cardin.senate.gov/newsroom/press/release/cardin-statement-on-lgbt-pride-2017

    Maybe Cardin and Manning have something going?

  12. I could say a lot of things, unfortunately more bad than good on both sides of the political fence, but I have to acknowledge the fact that without the help of Ben Cardin & his office I may still be waiting to receive disability benefits. I became ill in 2010 while working full time & after retaining a lawyer, losing my job & ability to work I fought for over 4yrs. to receive SSDI (money I earned by working hard from the age of 14 until unable). I NEVER took any money from the State, not that they didn't constantly try to make me. I only asked for what I earned & would change places with ANYONE who thinks it's great not to have to work! I would like to add that I was told I would receive my SSDI pmts retro back the 4 yrs. I fought to receive them if I was awarded them. The judge interviewed me for 45 min. & told me he would award me my SSDI retro back 1yr. on the spot if I agreed. I agreed only to find out when I received the back lump sum that Social Security was able to keep the first 6mos. of my retro pmt. as they have a rule that states,"Once you are found to be totally disabled by a Judge that works for the SS Administration they keep the first 6mos. of retro pay once your deemed disabled by their Judge". I asked them where that $ went & how they were able to do this. My answer from them, my lawyer & everyone I've asked was, "It's always been that way". I worked hard for over 30+ yrs. & paid dearly for health insurance & still no one seems to be able to give me an answer. However, I will always be grateful for Mr. Cardin & his office for being the ONLY public official to my disposal willing to help.

  13. A great indicator of our descent into chaos.

    These two are the best we got???

    One of them is a traitor, too????

    Keep cheering.

  14. the depths the MD Democrat Party has fallen to - the Party of Liberal Jim!

  15. The same cardin involded with the memo

    Scum both of them

  16. February 6, 2018 at 12:13 PM:

    Its bad to make a decision without being fully informed. Long term disability (SSDI) only starts after 6 months of continuous disability. When your Judge offered you "disability" going back one year, instead of 4 years, he did you no favors. He started the clock for your disability at one year, of which the first six months is considered short term disability. Yes, its always been like that. The first six months is short term disability (workman's comp. or unemployment comp.) and after six months is considered long term disability. Should have stuck to your four year start point, if you could prove your disability started then. Personally, I think the SSDI judge took advantage of you. If it happened like you say, I know he did. If you had a lawyer, they should have been with you and advising you before you accepted any settlement. Your lawyer failed you, as well.

  17. It's time for a conservative Republican to run for this seat!!!!

  18. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 6, 2018 at 2:42 PM

    The very best of Democ-rat party. Cardin - old sleazeball crook and Obama's arse kisser. Manning - soldier boy traitor who turned transgender. WOW, what great role models?! Lets not forget Cardin Voted With Planned Parenthood it was Ok to kill/abort 5 month old babies! Gee, I wonder why.

  19. Cardin might be serving time by then.

  20. He will fit nicely into Md Corrupt Govt !!! Demon-crats

  21. Obama put Manning up to run for office so Cardin would surely win. Manning owes Obama for his release. No one is going to vote for a traitor especially one with blood on his hands. Just my opinion.

  22. I may register as a democrat so I can vote for him. That will be a show.

  23. Chelsea Manning? Really?
    I can't believe the Republican party could not have done better than this!

    I'm afraid it will be an easy win for Cardin. If this is the best the Republicans can do, then the Republican Party in Maryland is Dead.

  24. 7:59 AM
    Check your scorecard. Bradley Manning, the traitorous soldier who was released 28 years early by Obama, and thinks he's a girl, has filed to run as a Democrat in the Democratic primary against Ben Cardin. Cardin's handlers wake him every 6 years and drive him around the state. Elvis is seen more frequently.

    Not sure who has filed for the Republican primary.

  25. Jezz, I am all for getting him out of there but not to bring in the new face of idiocy. Keep the insane people like Manning out of DC. That is a sure ticket to make things much much worse. Manning never should have been pardoned.


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