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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

See something, say something, do nothing

FBI Director Christopher Wray was boasting to senators three days ago that his agency is stuffed with competent, professional people.

"I would say that my experience, now six months in with the FBI, has validated all my prior experiences with the FBI, which is that it is the finest group of professionals and public servants I could hope to work for," he told the Senate Intelligence Committee Tuesday.

That statement didn't age well.

A day later, a 19-year-old gunman opened fire at his former school in Florida, killing 17. And by Friday, the FBI revealed it had a clear warning that the shooter was a threat, and dropped the ball.

Protocol said the warning should have been transmitted to the FBI Miami Field Office, but that never happened.

"We have determined that these protocols were not followed for the information received by the [Public Access Line] on January 5," the FBI said. "The information was not provided to the Miami Field Office, and no further investigation was conducted at that time."



  1. I keep hearing that the FBI rank and file are doing a wonderful job. Where? What crimes have they actually solved that they didn't set up with a patsy?

  2. Lowering standards since the 90's the liberal way.

  3. Drain the swamp of the filth and goo. Replace them with folks not blind by politics!

  4. In the private sector, the individual(s) responsible would be fired by now.
    For some reason, working for the government, there is no personal responsibility.
    Obviously there was one or more agents that didn't have the time to forward this huge red flag.

  5. We all saw something, we cried foul cuz the Fumbling Bureau of Idiots didn't do anything.

    The lying bitch Hillary Clinton.

  6. Well, the FBI did come out and say that from now on it will be incumbent on the shooters to use a silencer when firing on students in the Library at schools.
    Glad they are right on top of everything, keeping our country safe.

  7. I wonder if maybe they didn't forward it because his name was Cruz? They might have been afraid of discriminating against Hispanics.

  8. Same thing they did when they had the two Boston bombers under surveillance,... Nothing.


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