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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Says A Lot


  1. or it could mean that he is bat crap crazy.

  2. The country is in the shape it’s in because of the former presidents.

  3. That is scary true. Godspeed, Mr. Trump.

  4. 206, he is nuts. I like the bushes, esp. Sr. The only one here i do not care for is obongo.

  5. Trump won because the people are tired of the same ole same ole bs in politics. On both sides of the arena. Hopefully a good house cleaning will happen in November of those that won't support what the people voted for. They all need a reality check.

  6. Bob Aswell....RealistFebruary 24, 2018 at 12:06 PM

    Just think how many deaths,how much money wasted,un-fulfilled promises, and lies told to the voters from these five losers. Bush Sr.'No New Taxes', OweBama, More Transparency in Government, Clinton 'I did NOT have Sex with that Woman',Bush Jr. " There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq',Carter, Three Mile Island is a perfectly safe facility'.
    Who dares to say Trump isn't worthy of the USA's support. Liberal Dumbocrats who can't accept the blame for anything led by presidential dolts who couldn't make responsible decisions at the landfill. Eat it boys....You said it. Bob Aswell....Realist

  7. Jimmy Carter is the only good one in the bunch, the others were deplorables.


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