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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Salisbury Mayor Jake Day Childish, Immature & So Predictable

The image above comes directly from Jake Day's own Facebook page.

Jake Day vetoes pay raise for Mayor and Council, as if we didn't see this coming, but there's a major twist. 

While the public backlash was furious against such a pay raise, (100% pay increase) Jake Day knew he would instantly lose the next election, so how does a Liberal get away with it? Well, it's very easy. The City Council can override Day's veto, (perfectly planned and predictable) and all of a sudden the pay increase returns.

Day claims he will donate the pay increase to local charities BUT taxpayers need to think long and hard about this. WHY would taxpayers agree to piss away $25,000.00 a year, or should we say $100,000.00 over the next term, (should Day be reelected). 

If Jake was HONORABLE, he would've proposed to return those funds back to the TAXPAYERS instead. Nevertheless, the public needs to contact your council members and demand they do not override Day's veto. 

My guess is that NONE of the current council members or mayor will be reelected. The City is out of control and these games need to end. Show me the incredible economic development increase and we can talk about a 100% pay increase! All we have seen in tens of millions of dollars pissed away on Downtown Main Street face lift, (lipstick on a pig) and millions blown on an extremely poorly planned Folk Festival. Again, all at taxpayer expense and these Liberals want a pay increase?

While the rest of the public sits back and reads this article they'll be watching just how these out of control Liberals abuse Salisbury taxpayers and it will be the end of their control. My recommendation to all of you is this, run for public office and get these bums out of there. 

I would LOVE to see these Liberals come back here and defend your elected officials. Please do. Please tell us how they have EARNED a 100% pay increase, I beg you. 

Finally, when is the last time ANY of you went to your Boss and asked for a 100% pay increase? Mic Drop!


  1. Man, if you had just beat Ireton......

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Take a hood look at Salisbury before you judge.

  3. 6:41, compare them to the liberals and they look like heroes.

    1. This is the problem. This right here. Saying it's fine because at least they're not a liberal. You're so blinded by party linesyouve become delusional

  4. Hey 6:41
    What the hell does the White House have to do with this post? Have you bumped your head or are you just getting ready for class at S.U.? Maybe both !

  5. Jake is like my 4 year old. He’s got an outfit for every outing to match the role. During the snow storm he wore a construction vest while standing up with the Govenor. Why wear the vest Jake we all know damn right you ain’t doing any manual labor

  6. He is a poser. All puff no substance. Typical of this generation. Me me me and that pic you posted says it all . A silver spoon fed entitled moron who wouldnt know what real work is if it slapped him across his empty head.

  7. Makes you miss Terry Cohen

  8. Thanks Joe for helping us understand how this whole process works. I would have thought he did do the right thing to veto the raise and all the while never understanding he knows how to play the game and making us the fool by electing him again. Interesting, he had no intention of doing the right thing.
    If he wants to give his raise that was paid by taxpayers to charity then let us be the ones to decide which charity we want it to go and give that raise back to us the taxpayers...Great article!

  9. Joe, no disrespect, but don't be obtuse... The citizens of SBY don't give a damn about this city nor other people let alone themselves... They keep on asking for this mess by not voting, not being educated before they vote or going alone to get along... Hell maybe they were even bribed or persuaded to vote a certain way and got the shaft but honestly who cares... I along with others are tried and sick of hearing about this crap when the average citizen, would just stand up, educate themselves on the matter at hand and go to work fighting the corruption... I have no time nor the money to fight like I wish I could or would like to see others, but at least I try to let people know what is going on and what the outcomes will be... I have been 100% right every time I make a statement about the govt on this blog and I always get to say I told everyone so... I get tired of it becasue it means our city is in shambles and these people as you said, are predictable... It just seems every one is to lazy and wants someone else to do it for them...

    I have no sorrow for people who have the ability to do but refuse to do... That is their own problem and quite frankly they deserve what they get... If they were as they say 100% truly and honesty tired of the same ole BS by the govt at any level, they would make change but they don't so until then, they can talk a good game but actions will speak louder than words...

  10. That is what they do Joe and the average citizen always falls for it every time, hook line and sinker... The govt officials always run their mouth ab out needing to raise taxes and fees to cover crap and then turn directly around after the tax increase approved, they vote to give them selves raises... Happens all the time every where... But nope, no one cares, no one is bothered by it and no one wants to stop it...

  11. That picture though LOL! He looks like a stooge.

  12. I just can't help but think that dude should have a good bitch slapping. And it's not my nature to make a statement like this, maybe some female smack that grin off of him.

    1. Sounds like it very well is your nature. You're the type to say "I'm not racist but.." and then say something racist

  13. Councilman Boda is going to be reelected and he needs the money.

  14. 8:48 AM some might big assumptions and insults in the rant. How about - it doesn't matter who we choose they do whatever the good old boys club tells them too.

    We had a choice between Barrie and Ireton and well as far as I can tell we still got screwed when we chose differently.

    So maybe instead of insulting a whole population come up with some solutions.

  15. I need help. I've been trying for weeks to find out where the money is coming from to pay the festival promoters. I've written to the Mayor's office....as usual no response. If the promotional fees aren't paid it's my understanding that there won't be a festival. Does any one out there know the answer?

  16. My guess is that NONE of the current council members or mayor will be reelected. The City is out of control and these games need to end. Show me the incredible economic development increase and we can talk about a 100% pay increase! All we have seen in tens of millions of dollars pissed away on Downtown Main Street face lift, (lipstick on a pig) and millions blown on an extremely poorly planned Folk Festival. Again, all at taxpayer expense and these Liberals want a pay increase?

    HA!! You are a bit delusional on this Joe. They WILL be re-elected because the people of Salisbury really don't care, Nobody will run for office.
    Has anyone stepped up to say they will run for mayor? Or even the council? If so, I have not heard about it.
    I so loved that you tried, and sorry you lost. Salisbury would have been much better with you running things. But it will be same old same old..
    Just like Pittsville. They elect firemen and friends. My ex tried running and lost because she was not an in person, and they elected someone to board who did not even live in the Town!!
    Really do hope people of Salisbury step up and run for office, just do not see it happening.


  17. Think he should have kept the raise; then he could afford a good haircut and buy a couple of ties.

    Jerk and jake have 4 letters; not a coincidence.

  18. 1049
    Maybe his boyfriend?

  19. Can't believe that Jack Heath wants to override the veto so that Day's salary will be doubled after he is reelected. Both are babbling buffoons.


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