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Thursday, February 01, 2018

Ron Paul: The Last Fed Chairman?

Next Fed-created economic crisis could lead people to force Congress to audit, then end the Fed
Last week the Senate confirmed Jerome Powell as Federal Reserve Chairman by a vote of 84-13. This is in contrast to the contentious debates and closer votes over Janet Yellen’s confirmation in 2014 and Ben Bernanke’s confirmation for a second term in 2010. Powell benefited from a perception that the economy’s recovery from the 2007-08 meltdown proves that the Fed is a capable manager of monetary policy. However, the perceptions of economic recovery and Federal Reserve competence are both far from the truth.

The economy may seem to have recovered, but the recovery is not built on a firm foundation. Instead it rests on Fed-created bubbles in areas such as automobile sales, credit cards debt, student loan debt, stocks, and even a new housing bubble.

The most dangerous bubble is the government debt bubble. The Fed facilitates deficit spending by monetizing the federal debt. The desire to enable Congress’ spending addiction is a major reason why the Fed cannot significantly raise interest rates, as increasing rates could increase federal debt payments to unsustainable levels. This may be one reason why President Trump has reversed course and endorsed low interest rates. Of course, all first-term presidents want low interest rates since they believe the low rates boost the economy and thus help them win reelection.



  1. Learn from Adam Smith - let the markets set their own rates. The pendulum will swing and then swing back. Get the Fed out of The roulette business, except in national emergencies.

  2. 722
    Then they will create the emergencies.

    You are still naive.
    Better keep studying.

    The FED is a criminal enterprise who now completely controls the world's economy.
    The print money from thin air.


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