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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Report: CNN Organizing Anti-Gun Debate In Florida

Prepping participants to recite anti-gun talking points

Laura Loomer reports from Broward County, Florida that CNN is not only organizing a gun control debate town hall, but is allegedly rehearsing the event to coach participants what to say before it’s televised.

“I’m told CNN is in the process of organizing a network hosted town hall about gun control here in Broward County this week,” Loomer tweeted Sunday.

“When your network is a fake news propaganda machine, you get preferential treatment and advance knowledge from lawmakers…”



  1. You may not like or care for guns but the fact is...the 2A protects the 1st. Actually it protects the entire Constitution, those that try to destroy Our Constitution and tear at the fabric of democracy are in fact communist, their mask/costume is "politician". Communist based politicians are the ones that made many public areas gun free zones knowing this would be attractive spots for mass murders. And then can scream its guns and further they're mission to disarm and make more defenseless...they must disarm to further their mission to enslave and incorporate the NWO. These communist must be exposed and destroyed.

  2. there is a video of the kid that constantly goes on CNN and MSNBC where the camera was still recording him trying to repeat talking points/lines

  3. So if crazy people were going into major bank headquarters and shooting banking executives with the frequency of school shootings do you think we would be discussing gun rights or do you think there would be an immediate and heavy police presence at every threatened location?
    It is shameful the way our public education system has brainwashed these kids then paraded them for the media. The failure was with everyone in a position to do something about this kid (FBI, local PD, school board, principal, teachers, guardians).

  4. 7:31 but they call President Trump the fascist (a nazi too) which is similar to communist. The shame of it all is that many believe it because they have been reduced to nothing more then the dumbed down products of the US public "education" system. The ability to think has been removed from them to be replaced with repeating memorized propaganda that is rammed down their throats.
    The fact is it is the democrat party whose platform and views are 100 percent in line with the nazis and fascism. It's unfortunate that democrats are inherent liars and won't admit this and/or they do attract the those with IQ's in the imbecile idiot moron range to their party so they can't comprehend.


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