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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Rep. Zeldin (R-NY) Introduces Bill To Strip MS-13 Members of Citizenship

MS-13 is one of the most dangerous gangs out there. They're brutal killers, and their reach stretches throughout North and South America. There have even been concerns about them working with terrorist groups. They're a scary bunch.

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) has introduced legislation that would strip the citizenship of naturalized citizens found to be members of the notorious gang.

Called the Protecting Our Communities from Gang Violence Act, it would open the door for deportation and other penalties not applicable to American citizens:

We must do all in our power to stop MS-13 & gang violence. That's why I introduced the Protecting Our Communities from Gang Violence Act, HR 5065, to revoke the naturalization of those involved in gang activity prior to or w/in 10 yrs of being naturalized. https://zeldin.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/rep-zeldin-introduces-new-legislation-revoke-naturalization-individuals 



  1. Don't stop at MS 13 it should be all criminals.

  2. Good idea but it will never fly. It contains entirely too much logic for Congress. But I give Rep Zeldin points for trying.

  3. The democrats will not tolerate the loss of voters.

  4. I can hear the Gov. of Calimexico and the mayor of New Yorkico screaming and whining now...

  5. They dont have nor need citizenship you idiot.....but carry on...make more laws like your doing something!!!! YOUR FIRED~~~~~~~~~~~~


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