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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Prohibition Never Works: Banning Alcohol Didn't Work, And Banning Guns Won't Either

They say those who don’t pay attention to history are destined to repeat it...

It seems like even though humans have paid attention, they somehow think the same things that failed in the past, like prohibition and communism, will magically work now.

Alcohol kills almost three times as many Americans as guns. Last year, about 33,000 people died of gunshot-related injuries, including those who shot themselves; suicide. When removing those who killed themselves only (again, suicide), that number drops to 15,549, by even anti-gun activists estimates. To put that in perspective, this year’s flu and the vaccine to “prevent” said flu is more deadly. So far, it’s been killing an estimated 4,000 Americans per week. That’s roughly 16,000 per month, a number already higher than last year’s total “gun deaths” which include justified homicides (or self-defense.) You don’t have to be a genius at math to understand that “gun violence” isn’t really the epidemic the media wants you to believe.



  1. If all guns were suddenly to disappear from the US you would see a massive onslaught of guns coming up from Mexico. It's ludicrous to even think complete gun control could ever be effective with a wide open border. As it stands now much of the inner cities' gun violence is happened because of open borders. The weapons are being smuggled in. Not that you could ever expect any democrat voter to understand and comprehend how it works. Democrat voters are not only lacking in morals but also even an average degree of intelligence. They can't think much less forward think things out.

  2. Banning certain assault style weapons is different from the abolition of all guns. The first three words of the 2nd Amendment are "A well regulated".

  3. but but the snowflakes have feelingss

  4. We have some laws banning drugs that are dangerous, so should society legalize them?

  5. Just look at Chicago! Hows that for proof!

  6. Hey snowflake, who exactly do you think those "well regulated" were? who do you think the "militia" was that fought in that war and brought the freedom from the British? When the founding fathers wrote the amendments to the Constitution they intended for the United States to never be controlled by another outside force. Why do you think the guidelines and qualifications to seek these high offices? The "well regulated militia" was the people The "citizens" of this country. Go get some history lessons!


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