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Monday, February 26, 2018

President Trump condemned officers outside the Florida school shooting who didn't stop it, saying he'd run in "even if I didn't have a weapon"

“You don’t know until you test it, but I think, I really believe I would have run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon,” the president said.

Speaking on Monday, Mr. Trump also said that the country needs to take a look at whether more mental health institutions need to be opened to treat people with mental illness and avert mass shootings.


  1. Oh please the man does not have his finger on the trigger of his own blow dryer

    1. But he does on nuclear warhead. #mega

  2. But he triggered your stupidity 6:40..So i guess you dont want to MAGA! Maybe you should move to a country more of your political idealogy.

  3. To democrats it doesn't matter what the coward deputies did or didn't do. "At this point, what difference does it make?" said their idol Hillary. Just like Hillary refused to let real soldiers go in to save Americans in Benghazi, her good buddy Sheriff Israel refused to send his men, preferring to let children be slaughtered instead. He needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY. This is what the democrat party stand for - cowardice and using murdered kids to promote their gun-grabbing agenda.

  4. Quite a few people have it in them to run to try and help. A friend of mine who happens to be a teacher for nearly 30 yrs in Balto Co but lives on the outer edge of Balto City did just that. She lives in a quiet neighborhood and was sitting out on her front porch 2 summers ago around 10pm. She first heard a car skid then running then gun shots. She immediately called 911 as a guy was running right in front of her house. She ran down to look down the street and he had collapse 2 houses down from hers. She ran down saw he was bloody and assumed he had been shot. She called 911 again to tell what had happened and then tried to help the guy and keep him calm. Police and EMS arrived within a few minutes. She caught hell from the cop for not going in her house but she never once thought to not try and help even though she was terrified being with the guy waiting for cops that the car would come back and shoot again. The guy ended up living but is paralyzed and the shooter was never caught.

  5. Now the RSO is claiming through his lawyer that he thought the shooting was coming from outside of the school. There are no end to the lies. The 2 coaches who were outside and unarmed knew the shots were coming from inside the school and ran in there to help and both lost their lives.

  6. Where's the Kenyan Skid Mark on this? The Skid Marks an expert on police acting stupidly.

  7. 6:40...I would put my money on the good president with a hair dryer against you with blue steel.

  8. Hmm, don't think I believe him. Too many deferments

    1. But you voted for Clinton..Hilarious

  9. Blowhard. Right. He can't run in... he has bone spurs in his feet again... seems if he dodges the draft, no way in the universe he's running on his "bone spurs" towards gunfire.

  10. 11:20 And I bet you'd be the sheriff hiding behind his car ๐Ÿ™„ Big man behind a computer keyboard posting anonymously ๐Ÿ™„

    1. 12:59. Pot meet kettle ๐Ÿ™„


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