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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Pedestrian Struck In Front Of SU


  1. Might be because that stupid ass bike lane thats obviously going to be someones death trap

  2. WE need more fences going down the middle of the road!!!!

    1. Like the fence on rt 50 what a joke peice has been missing for over a month now great job

  3. Saw it happen. Dumb a$$ walked right into traffic. Didn’t look seriously hurt though thankfully.

  4. It should read: "Jaywalker Hit By Car."

  5. Cook Out burger sounds nice right about now. Hmmm....

  6. You gotta look both ways people.

  7. 1:20 PM Dilly, Dilly!! Not a crosswalk in sight. Ticket the jaywalker, and the driver should sue for the stress caused.

  8. Where's the crosswalk? Oh yeah, there isn't one.

  9. 1:20-While talking on a cell phone.

  10. No crosswalk, no intersection, what was the pedestrian doing in the road? Driver should not face any charges unless they con show the driver swerving TO hit the pedestrian!

  11. Is that in Jakes bike lane that is between two lanes of traffic?

  12. Lol, it should read Look at that A$$ of the SU girl driving this jeep that just hit someone.

  13. That other guy gonna get runned over by a bike.

  14. Quick install fencing.

  15. @2:22, that is rude and unkind.

  16. Jaywalk and get hit by a car, truck, ambulance, firetruck, bicycle or unicycle and you're the one responsible, period, end of sentence.

  17. What's up with all these bike Lanes poping up between driving Lanes? Makes no sense.

  18. BBQ chicken fresh fries and a corn dog for $4.99!!! I know where I'm going for dinner.

  19. I wish someone would run over those illegals motorcycles riding up and down the road that the police are ordered not to chase.

  20. 338 - get over it snowflake!

  21. Bike lanes are for bikes traveling in the direction of motor traffic. They have no bearing on pedestrian behavior. If you have a problem with bike lanes, write something cogent about it and send it to SBYNews. Otherwise, you're pointlessly wasting everyone's time.

    1. No, morons that think they can take up a whole lane on a bike as a motor vehicle and then blow through red lights and stop signs are a real problem!

    2. When I was a trooper, decades ago, I would ticket cyclists for running a red light or stop sign, for riding on the wrong side of the road. Really pissed the offender off, but hey, a bike is a vehicle and the vehicle laws apply to bicyclists.

    3. 826 stop it. You guys don't leave the barracks only to go home and go on your hand held.

  22. Anonymous said...
    It should read: "Jaywalker Hit By Car."
    February 9, 2018 at 1:20 PM

    You are correct. I do not see any crosswalk there so no one should be crossing the street there. Maybe he will live long enough to remember that and let this be a learning experience for others who may want to jaywalk.

  23. The law states that you MUST stop for pedestrians within a crosswalk. It DOES NOT state you need to stop so pedestrians can enter a crosswalk. That's what they expect.
    And, they NEVER look both ways. They don't always cross at the crosswalks.

  24. Not only do these stupid bicycles run red lights and stop signs. I see a lot of them riding in the wrong direction. They ride their bikes against traffic. Pedestrians walking should walk against traffic. But Bikes are suppose to be going the direction as the traffic and obey the lights and stop signs.

  25. I heard there is another Cookout planned on RT 50 East - going next to the Royal Farms near Wor-Wic. This should be a really great asset to residents on the East side of town.

  26. And those Ridicoulous BIKE Lanes have No Business there !!

    Very Dangerous , where they are placed in Salisbury !!


  27. See that Bike Lane in the Photo ??

    Another Accident waiting to Happen ....Remove it !!!!

  28. Places were bike Lanes are being placed in Salisbury are INSANE !! These Must be REMOVED as they Endanger Both
    the Bikers & Motor Traffic.

    Some idiots with no common sense placed these were they are

    i.e rt 13 in Pic in front of college / rt 50 in front of
    Main post office, were motor traffic MUST cross over the
    bike lanes to get were they are going......DUGH !!!

  29. This summer it will read Bikes Struck in front of SU !!!

  30. How dumb do you have to be to step into the street, without looking? College student, no doubt.

  31. Bikes will be Worse , and try to blame it on Motor Traffic !


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