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Saturday, February 24, 2018

NRA to Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel: 'You were the one that didn't protect these children'

The National Rifle Association hit back on Friday at Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel after accused NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch of "not standing up" for the survivors of the school shooting that took place last week in Parkland, Fla.

"No Sheriff Israel you were the one that didn't PROTECT these children and that is your job. You run the largest fully accredited sheriff's office in the United States, yet your office failed this community," the NRA said from its verified Twitter account.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students questioned lawmakers and the NRA on Wednesday during a gun town hall hosted by CNN in Sunrise, Fla.

During the town hall, Israel told Loesch that she wasn't "standing up for the students" affected by the massacre.

"You just told this group of people that you are standing up for them," Israel told Loesch. "You're not standing up for them, until you say I want less weapons."



  1. He put a 30 years veteran " retired on duty" to protect 3000 students. Only ONE deputy for 10 years to protect them. I believe the deputy was following the policy of the department. Time will tell. The FAKE Sheriff has not taken ANY responsibility even thou the killer lived in his jurisdiction and they went to his house 39 times... I was shocked he blamed NRA (supporter of clinton) and now my gun rights will be in jeopardy.

  2. Just another Democrat refusing to admit they screwed up. Proves he does not believe in innocent until proven guilty. His agency and the Federal agencies did not protect these students / public and are attempting to blame everybody else. They need to accept their responsibility.

  3. "largest fully accredited sheriff's office" if it wasn't for the losses these family have suffered this would be almost poignant! tells you a lot in that sentence right there!

    1. If they are referring to CALEA LASD is twice the size of them

  4. They hid their crime stats as best they could, to achieve high ratings and higher salaries. This is exactly what SPD and Mayor Day do.

  5. True. NRA is right on this one. It is what it is

  6. True. NRA is right on this one. It is what it is

  7. It wasn't their policy. After viewing the video of the deputy standing outside for 4 minutes he was suspended without pay. The deputy then resigned and retired. Now, police have to guard this deputies house. I wonder why. And he is also investigating two other deputies who went to this killers house 39 times, the policy may not have been followed in some of the visits. The F.B.I. also dropped the ball in this case as well as others. They have just proven yet again that they cannot protect the public. But some want our weapons taken away and our safety solely relied on these same ones who cannot protect us.

    Try to find any logic in that.


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