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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

NRA: Companies Severing Ties With Us Are Punishing Law-Abiding Patriots

Car rental companies, banks, airlines, hotels, even a home security company are among the growing list to sever their discount programs with the National Rifle Association following the mass shooting at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. on February 14.

The NRA responded to the corporate backlash over the weekend, calling it "an effort to punish our members who are doctors, farmers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, nurses, shop owners and school teachers that live in every American community."

The NRA noted that its "law-abiding members" had nothing to do with the failure of the school's security, the failure of the nation's mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Background Check System or the "cruel failures" of both federal and local law enforcement.

NRA spokeswoman Dan Loesch recapped some of those failures in a tweet on Sunday:


  1. We're keeping track of who is doing this to us.

    I'm taking my business elsewhere, and I'm sure the other 5 million members are too.

  2. Tell your NRA members who "they" are. The members will take care of the rest. If these companies want a boycott, we'll give them one.

  3. Lol just like your big hillbilly boycott of the nfl

  4. 10:46 your ignorance is showing. I am no HILLBILLY and so what if they are. What does a hillybilly have to do with a god given right to be armed. Go back to your moms basement since you obviously are Totally inept moron. Libtardism is a cancer and you and your ilk need to be removed like a tumor. Go home since it is obviuosly not in the USA...

  5. Communism and socialism not accepted in the USA and that's not freedom of speech it's treason.

  6. These businesses were gifting to members of the NRA. DO they not have a legitimate right to stop the gifts? There are no rights being taken away


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