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Friday, February 23, 2018

Nolte: The Government Failed, No One Was Armed, 17 Innocents Died

The only lesson a rational person can take away from the Parkland school massacre, is this: federal and local law enforcement is either too corrupt, inept, or hamstrung, to protect our children. Therefore, we must protect ourselves.

In the days and months leading up to last week’s mass murder in Parkland, Florida, the American people did their job. They saw something and they said something — numerous times. Local and federal law enforcement were warned.

Again and again and again, bloody-red flags popped up around this monster. Still, government balls were dropped, government ineptitude reigned, government bureaucracy stalled. Whatever the inexcusable and catastrophic reasons are, that does not matter. What matters is this…

Seventeen innocent people died because they were unarmed and helpless, because their government failed at its primary job — to protect the life of its citizens.

Knowing these facts, Democrats and their media allies are still rabid to exploit this latest government failure as a means to provoke and promote even more government failures.



  1. I Seriously Cannot Believe The Trump Administration Has Not Fired Several People !! Federal and Local Level !!!

  2. I thought Scot Peterson was armed...

  3. Where have you been 10:09. He was armed and is proof beyond any doubt that more need to be armed on school grounds. Anything can happen besides what happened here with just one person armed. Any parent anymore who doesn't want the schools turned into fortresses isn't anything more then a leg spreader and a sperm inserter. It means you are willing to sacrifice your own child and that is sickening. But it's the democrat mentality. Even their own children don't mean anything to them much less anyone else's.

  4. The deputy was armed, but he was waiting till the gunfire stopped before going in.

  5. An armed Deputy was on site. He has resigned


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