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Saturday, February 24, 2018

NBC ‘Blacklist’ Star Megan Boone: My Character ‘Will Never Carry an Assault Rifle Again’

Actress Megan Boone, star of NBC’s hit crime drama The Blacklist, says her character will never again carry an “assault rifle” on the show.

In the wake of the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, Boone jumped to Twitter and said that her character, Elizabeth Keen, will never again be seen with an “assault rifle.” The actress also apologized for “glorifying” the weapons in past episodes of the four season-long series.

“Liz Keen will never carry an assault rifle again and I am deeply sorry for participating in glorifying them in the past,” Boone tweeted on Friday.



  1. And I will never watch the show again

  2. She is an actor and paid to do so. If you don’t like your role then quit. I’m sick and tired of people talking about things they have no idea about.

  3. Well then you shall be fired by the Hollywood elite because that's how they make their big money.

  4. Let's hope her boss plays a little Trump on her, "Your Fired"!

  5. There is no gun classification called assault rifle.

  6. Frankly I don't give a damn!

  7. She's going to look good in a burka

  8. This ruined the show for me. You are an ACTOR. DO your job. Your personal feelings do not play a role in what you tell your boss what your job is. Quit the part snowflake.

  9. i've never seen a gun of any kind ever assault anybody.


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