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Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Mountaire employees to receive up to $1,000 bonus due to tax reform

Mountaire Farms is awarding its employees with a one-time cash bonus of up to $1,000 along with other benefits following the passage of President Trump's new tax law.

The bonus amounts will be determined based on an employee's length of service, similar to many other companies. Hourly employees employed up to 180 days will receive a one-time $500 bonus, and then full-time employees who have been employed for more than 180 days will receive a one-time $1,000 cash bonus.

"The President of the United States and the Republican Congress have reduced taxes for businesses and individuals for 2018, and I'm extremely excited about what this means for the company and all of our employees," explained Ron Cameron the owner and chairman of Mountaire Farms.


Publishers Notes: It's nice of Perdue to let their employees know that the competition appreciates their employees while employees are hearing rumors that they may not get the lousy $200.00 “profit sharing” bonus they dole out to them each year.


  1. You sound like Nancy pelosi now!! "Lousy $200" That's means alot to most people. Thanks for belittling us!

  2. No one but the people at corporate getting anything here at my work.

  3. For somebody making minimum wage, $1000 is usually a blessing.

  4. The workforce for Ocean City is anxiously looking forward to learn what our bonus will be.

  5. Yea, and I'll bet that YOU have NEVER given a bonus to any of your employees when you ran your "Billion" dollar business's. Frankly, it is NONE of your business so STFU.

  6. Hopefully they'll get an increase in their hourly pay as well..

  7. Don't they have a large portion of Hispanic workers?
    I thought this tax bill was 'Armageddon' and was going to 'kill' people, according to Negative Nancy.

  8. Hispanics and Latinos working in the industry are loving President Trump for banning Haitians from getting visas to stay. They see a shortage of workers which will then force higher wages and benefits. Evidently a lot of Haitians are employed by the industry.

  9. She not negative nancy she's flat out lying nancy. she is just like all democrats they lie constantly.

  10. And yet the dumbass's will vote Democrat and they will tax it away.

  11. I don't remember Obama doing such a great job in which workers were able to receive $1,000.00.

    I do remember Obama saying that my medical insurance would go down $2,500.00 a year. But I think he told a lie to us.

  12. honestly perdue didn't become a billion dollar company by giving anything away. I heard frank and his dad invented copper wire while fighting over a penny! shame they are allowed to pollute everything in sight so they can make a buck. Just ask the local plant workers how they are treated. No more mentions of unions since they threatened to close the plant years ago!
    apple dont fall far from the tree!

  13. Enjoy the CRUMBS .....better than Nothing tell Pelosi !!


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