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Monday, February 19, 2018

Mitt Romney Hasn’t Learned Anything

Here we go again.

It’s a day that ends in “y,” so Mitt Romney is running for office again. He’ll be running for Senate, not in Massachusetts, where he invented Obamacare as governor after having lost a Senate campaign in which he ran as a Republican who opposed the Reagan administration. He isn’t even running in New Hampshire, where he moved prior to the 2012 Republican presidential primaries. Instead, Romney will seek election to the United States from Utah, where he attended college in the 1960s and has lived since six weeks ago.
Romney kicked off his campaign with a flaccid video replete with political platitudes and bizarre references to “our state” and “our can-do pioneering spirit” despite Romney’s having lived virtually the entirety of his life outside the state in places like Michigan and Massachusetts. When Romney isn’t wasting syllables on meaningless pandering such as “we’re known as a people who serve, who care,” he’s attacking President Donald Trump for enforcing the rule of law. In one particularly jarring moment, Romney asserts, “Utah welcomes legal immigrants from around the world; Washington sends immigrants a message of exclusion.” Perhaps Romney is unaware that immigrants constitute a larger percentage of the U.S. population than any time since the 1890s, and President Trump is deporting illegal aliens at a slower pace than did Barack Obama.


  1. Problem is that there may not be any real Republicans running against him - and he'll get elected. Another swamp creature joining the rest!

  2. When I voted in the presidential race for this cat it was a process of elimination. I also thought he looked so presidential, man how looks are deceiving. Lol


  3. The only state he'd have a chance to get elected from. Had his chance in 2012 and fumbled the ball. Just a tad younger than Slow Joe.

    He'll be a junior senator from a small state in a seniority driven legislative body. Poor long term choice for Utah.

    Were he a statesman, he'd back a younger and more vibrant candidate for the long term benefit of state and party.

  4. Idiot needs to give it a rest!


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