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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Maryland Sheriff Says It Will Be CIVIL WAR Before Gun Confiscation

Some sheriffs protest gun restrictions; others refuse to enforce the laws

Sheriff Mike Lewis considers himself the last man standing for the people of Wicomico County.

“State police and highway patrol get their orders from the governor,” the Maryland sheriff said. “I get my orders from the citizens in this county.”

With more states passing stronger gun control laws, rural sheriffs across the country are taking the meaning of their age-old role as defenders of the Constitution to a new level by protesting such restrictions, News21 found.

Some are refusing to enforce the laws altogether.

Sheriffs in states like New York, Colorado and Maryland argue that some gun control laws defy the Second Amendment and threaten rural culture, for which gun ownership is often an integral component.

They’re joined by groups like Oath Keepers and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, both of which encourage law enforcement officers to take a stand against gun control laws.

“It’s not (the judge’s) job to tell me what I can and can’t enforce,” – Weld County, Colo. Sheriff John Cooke

Lewis and some other sheriffs across the nation, most of them elected by residents of their counties, say their role puts them in the foremost position to stand up to gun laws they consider unconstitutional.

“The role of a sheriff is to be the interposer between the law and the citizen,” said Maryland Delegate Don Dwyer, an Anne Arundel County Republican. “He should stand between the government and citizen in every issue pertaining to the law.”

While the position of sheriff is not found in the U.S. Constitution, it is listed in state constitutions: Article XIV of Colorado’s, Article XV of Delaware’s, Part VII of Maryland’s and Article XIII of New York’s. Nearly all of America’s 3,080 sheriffs are elected to their positions, whereas most state and city police top commanders are appointed.



  1. Well, Mike, are you going to step up and offer concealed carry classes for our teachers who want to carry in class? How will those poor teachers get past Maryland's State Police denial of a permit because the teachers don't carry large amounts of cash. Only wanting to protect human lives doesn't cut the mustard in Maryland, only cash does.

    Please respond.

  2. Just what king George Soros wants.

  3. Lewis is a dinosaur. Move on and quit your political rhetoric

  4. Joe
    3 kids Arrested from Dorchester north Middle school yesterday for Threats.

  5. Unless he is standing on a milk crate, no one will hear him or see him.

  6. Sounds good, but just like was stated in the article it's the troopers we have to worry about.

    1. I wouldn't be worried about troopers. Too busy writing tickets to get involved.

  7. Sheriff Lewis speaks the truth and common sense. Shove your head back in the sand or wherever you had it shoved 9:37

  8. Lewis and the Majority of sheriffs across America KNOW full well where their authority comes from. They also know who they answer to. Do YOU understand once 'law abiding' citizens start to give up their fire arms, the party is over; YOUR freedom is now GONE???! Don't be so stupid in your comments. If you don't like Lewis, that's fine, BUT our Freedom comes at a price; Vigilance and understanding what the LAW says. Be glad these sheriffs are willing to STAND UP for we the people; unlike Sheriff Israel.

  9. Pissed off parents

    Joe my kids go to North Dorchester Middle School a threat alert was made last Thursday at 430 from the school Friday they Arrested 3 7th graders for threats to school staff students and blowing up the building the DBOE put out a Facebook post on what happened that being said what about the people that DON'T have FACEBOOK? We're is the WRITTEN NOTIFICATION and or email from the BOE also are these 3 punks going to be ALLOWED BACK ? if so I am removing my children.

    All we ask as parents is we're are the UPDATES.

  10. Glad we have sensible law enforcement Officers. Mike has this supporter all day long. Mike is a true blue person who supports the Constitution and will enforce the laws of the land. That is why he is disliked by liberals / socialist that follow Soros / Bloomberg and the Dumbocrats that will not give up their guns and armed security.

  11. Sheriff Lewis will get my vote once again. When will the State Assembly get tough on criminals and stop pandering to the illegals? Probably never because they don't want to piss off their voters.

    1. That's y he is saying it just for Votes.

  12. Way to go Sheriff Mike Lewis....the only folks who would even turn over there guns are the absolute law abiding citizens. The rest of us RESPECT the laws BUT we would not hand over our guns regardless. We have a right to protect at families if we fear for our lives in our residences! Thanks for standing up Sheriff Lewis! Someone will say that this comment is stupid.....how many of you NEVER exceed the posted speed limit? How many come to a full STOP at every stop sign? How many never TALK on your cell phone while driving?

  13. I stand with Sheriff Mike Lewis.

    You want em? Come and try to take em.

  14. Mike will be the one collecting them.

  15. Who voted for this right winger?

    1. I see you’ll be the first to give up your firearms and freedom!

  16. So what say you Lewis? Are your Sheriffs going to lock us up for carrying without the permit MD won't issue a law abiding civilian even if we have went through the process to get denied because death threats are not enough? Put your money where your mouth is and get Bob on board so we can actually feel safe walking around this county! You know as well as anyone the Democrats across the bay call the shots in this state so we do not have a voice. There is no reason Deleware citizens can get their permits and we can not. Better to be judged by 12 then carried by 6.

  17. Sorry I have to agree with Mike on this one. Say what you will he has stood fast on this issue. I have to respect a man who stands by his convictions and the Constitution. These liberal retards do not understand it is not the guns killing people it is people behind the gun that are the problem. It is a confirmed fact that the vast majority of these mass shooters have been under the influence of psychiatric medications. Maybe they need to be sued. Just like the opiate issues big money pharma gets away with atrocities because of money. I went to high school in North Carolina in the 80s every truck had a rifle or shot gun in the gun rack. I do not recall one school shooting. Society has changed not the guns. Instead of blaming the response to the school shootings on everyone but the parents of these little turds is an issue as well. Absent parenting has long been an issue in American society. Liberals find it easy to blame everyone except who actually can prevent this horrific crimes. No amount of law enforcement can prevent a goal driven lunatic set out on doing harm to our children. Place the blame where it belongs. We need to get back to being true Americans and stop worrying about being politically correct. Report these brain damaged kids and get them out of our schools. The no shooter left behind mantra by the B.O.E. has ruined public schools. Enough is enough.

  18. Limelight Lewis is posturing for votes while the gun issue is trending in the media. Let him or one of his revenue collectors find you carrying a handgun without a permit and you will be arrested and possibly go to jail. Well, unless you are a elected official from Delaware possessing a handgun at the airport.

  19. Sheriff Lewis has been saying these same words for many years and I believe him. He has said these words directly to me. You might call him a media hog and an opportunist but I feel that he actually believes what he says.

  20. 12:57 it could also be blamed on the complete lack of care for those struggling with mental illness.

  21. So Mike when I walk down the street with my legal registered weapon will your boys be cool and having our back ? Smh I don't think so.

  22. Lol little big Mike won't back civilians he will do as he is Told ...Watch.

  23. If a judge orders Mr. Lewis to collect some ones guns he will have to do it,if not he will be held in contempt of court.

    1. Mike is all talk and all Heals.

  24. Maryland has some of the most strict gun laws in the country and mike has not lifted a finger to change it... Bottom line if govt takes your guns 99 percent of the people will turn them over. Non criminal gun owners will not shoot anyone or willing to spend life in prison. What we ALL CAN DO is vote REPUBLICAN and not have to worry about it.

  25. What is the view on this from the other surrounding counties' sheriffs?


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