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Monday, February 26, 2018

Malkin: Florida Students ‘Are Being Used and Exploited as Human Props’ for Gun Control

Teenage students “are being used and exploited as human props” by gun control advocates, said Conservative Review’s Michelle Malkin during an interview on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour.

Malkin’s comments were directed towards students of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, advocating for further federal restrictions on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

Elevating teenagers as thought leaders impedes the pursuit of effective preventative measures against mass shootings, said Malkin.

“We could not have this discussion of actual, practical school security plans when these children — who are being used and exploited as human props for the likes of Moms Demand Action — were screaming at the likes of Donald Trump when they should be screaming at their school administrators, the Broward County sheriff, and these school resources officers who treated their job like they were Mayberry police,” said Malkin.

Hostility from “left-wing students” should be directed towards local enforcement, said Malkin, pointing to the failures of the Broward County’s Sheriff’s Office, including the refusal of local deputies to engage Nikolas Cruz as he carried out a mass murder.



  1. When isn't one being used to pull your heart strings so you will act emotionally versus with rationale...

  2. This myth was pulled from YouTube.
    Can you people stop attacking the victims


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