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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Making America Great Again


  1. Perfect Place to Keep Pelosi / Shumer / Schiff / Hillary

    Obama / Lynch / Comey & More !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. 8:46 That WOULD make America GREAT again !!

  3. They should charge them with treason for not clapping during that SOTU speech.

  4. Make your reservations soon, as rooms are going fast!

  5. Put Obama there to take the Place of All the Prisoners He
    released !!! This should NOT have been Allowed by Law !!

  6. At least that will keep those illegal immagrant terroriste they love so much away.

  7. The prisoners , who Obama Released , should been Executed
    by the military years ago , and treated as the War Criminals
    that THEY ARE , and Not as citizens ,being given Lawyers &
    rights (which they have No rights by the way ) !!!

    Maybe Next time , since now we have a Real POTUS !!

  8. When waterboarding or other methods are needed, just turn them over to Russia or China to take care of it, then
    return them , or hell even let them keep them , better idea !!!

  9. This Prison should always be empty within 30 days if there was Real Justice, since all the so called worst of the worst
    who are housed here Would be executed anyway....
    Saving America alot of $$$ instead of playing with them,
    extract the information, then eliminate them every 30 days !

    War Criminals = Not Citizens !!!

  10. Build a Better one in Siberia ....for the Worst of the Worst
    Let Putin run it ....Problem SOLVED !!!

  11. With all that pre-election talk about draining the swamp, the President sure is taking his time to do it. There is more than enough evidence for numerous prosecutions, and many more terminations of FBI agents and State Department employees.

  12. Demon-crat Deadbeats are ALL the fault for getting Nothing
    done on whatever don't get done !! FACT they Own it !!

  13. Good Idea Lock Trump And all of his clowns and let Putin run his Buddy'

  14. Don't put them somewhere warm, put them where it's cold most of the year.

  15. They acted like little children being punished for being bad. No sense in them acting like that. They showed their true colors.

  16. The Worst of the Worst Should have been KILLED on the battle
    field instead of taking them alive to begin with !!!!!!
    + Then our damn Govt babys them & releases them ....some
    Justice !!!!

    Great Disrespect to our Troops !!! for how things were
    handled !!!! esp by Obama

  17. Do a deal with Putin ...he will house them in Siberia ...
    alot cheaper, & NONE will be returning !!!!!


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