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Monday, February 26, 2018

Little-known Black History Fact

The iconic cartoon character Betty Boop was inspired by a Black jazz singer in Harlem.

Introduced by cartoonist Max Fleischer in 1930, the caricature of the jazz age flapper was the first and most famous sex symbol in animation. Betty Boop is best known for her revealing dress, curvaceous figure, and signature vocals “Boop Oop A Doop!”

While there has been controversy over the years, the inspiration has been traced back to Esther Jones who was known as “Baby Esther” and performed regularly in the Cotton Club during the 1920s.

Baby Esther’s trademark vocal style of using “boops” and other childlike scat sounds attracted the attention of actress Helen Kane during a performance in the late 1920s..

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  1. Picture looks like Alicia Keyes

  2. a lot of white culture has been appropriated from black culture over the centuries.

  3. was she the lady who Eddie Murphy shot in her pinkie toe?

  4. 8:41 PM - define "a lot". Better yet, provide an exhaustive list.

  5. I think we should have a White History month.
    Sorry that would be racist wouldn't it?


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