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Monday, February 26, 2018

Lawyers For The DNC Argue That 'Primary Rigging' Is Protected By The First Amendment

The ongoing litigation of the DNC Fraud Lawsuit and the appeal regarding its dismissal took a stunning turn yesterday. The defendants in the case, including the DNC and former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, filed a response brief that left many observers of the case at a loss for words.

The document, provided by the law offices of the Attorneys for the Plaintiffs in the case, Jared and Elizabeth Beck, and appears to argue that if the Democratic Party did cheat Sanders in the 2016 Presidential primary race, then that action was protected under the first amendment. Twitter users were quick to respond to the brief, expressing outrage and disgust at the claims made by representatives of the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

The Defense counsel also argued that because of Jared Beck’s outspoken twitter posts, the plaintiffs were using the litigation process for political purposes: “For example, Plaintiffs’ counsel Jared Beck repeatedly refers to the DNC as “shi*bags” on Twitter and uses other degrading language in reference to Defendants.” Fascinatingly, no mention is made regarding the importance of First Amendment at this point in the document.



  1. No no..it is in fact an act of war. Propaganda {a readily used tool of war}conspired to cause a specific action, in this case cheat the democracy and rip at its fabric, stealing freedom and liberty from the citizens. Truthfully an act of treason by conspiring with the domestic enemies that attempt to destroy the sovereignty of the USA.

  2. Sometimes I think that DNC attorneys huff cleaning fluid before they enter the courtroom.

  3. While I will admit that having (or abiding by) a primary election is not in the Constitution, rigging any election is NOT free speech.

  4. Wasserman-Shultz is still depressed over the Pakistani IT brothers slithering back to Pakistan after they were caught stealing info from all of Congresses' computers.

  5. Rigging IS CORRUPTION. Period

  6. And slaughtering assault weapons are protected by the second amendment


  7. By the same rationale tarring and feathering lawyers who create off-planet scenarios for their guilty conspirator clients is just a creative exercise of First Amendment rights.

    Tit for tat?


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