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Monday, February 26, 2018

Hundreds Mourn Navy Vet, Athletic Director Who Died Trying to Save Students

Chris Hixon was remembered as a loving father and husband, a veteran who was twice deployed to the Persian Gulf, an athletic director and wrestling coach who worked tirelessly for his athletes and, ultimately, as a hero who died trying to save students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

It was at the Parkland school on Feb. 14 that a gunman opened fire, killing Hixon and 16 others. Another 16 people were injured in the shooting.



  1. He had more courage than 4 sheriff's deputies, and the whole FBI !

  2. fair winds and following seas rip

  3. And keep in mind this HERO charged a rifle-toting kid UNARMED and without any protection. Unlike certain LEO'S with weapons and probably body armor.

    There are not enough good things I can say about this man. I am humbled and speechless by this mans selflessness, courage, love for his students and fellow man.

    How DARE those LEO'S hide and wait outside while helpless people were inside that school being slaughtered.

    If there is a heaven, this guy would be in it, IMO.

    His sacrifice should never be forgotten.

  4. a true hero. unlike the sheriff and his deputies.

  5. So so sad.....thank you Sir! R.I.P. and bless the family of Hero Hixon


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