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Thursday, February 08, 2018

HR 4760: The Immigration Bill That Contains A National ID Card

House Resolution 4760, which is tied to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals compromise put forth by the Trump administration, has a national ID card buried in the midst of its text.

Before I hear any of the blather from those who still believe in a right/left paradigm, understand that this bill was introduced by a Republican. House Resolution 4760, which is tied to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals compromise put forth by the Trump administration, has a national ID card buried in the midst of its text.

The bill, which is titled the Securing America’s Future Act of 2018, was introduced by Republican Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA).

According to the new legislation, a new mandatory national identification system would be imposed that would require citizens to carry a government-approved ID containing “biometric features.”

Can anyone say, “Papers please?”?

A summary of the bill reads as follows:



  1. More government intrusion in our lives. The cost would be outrageous. For green card holders which is a government issued id with biometric features the government charges over $200 and it takes 6 months to a year to get it. Can you imagine the cost of a program like this. We can't even get a law passed for a simple id to vote.

    This is the problem with this country, we have idiots running it.

  2. When I travel in other countries, many times at the rail station, or other conveyances, I have been asked for my "Papers", along with several other random people. It is called Due Diligence, and if you got nothing to hide, why worry.

  3. I have to show my ID at my doctor's office, at the pharmacy, when I use a check. Even at Boscov's they occasionally require my driver's license to make certain I am the legal owner of the credit card. No big deal. If it means keeping our system honest I am all for it. Quit being paranoid over an ID.

  4. Once the border is closed the immegrant problem should be fairly easy to fix if they come down hard on employers that hire illegals.


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