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Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Grassley: "2nd Dossier" Fed To Christopher Steele By Obama State Dept, Routed Through Clinton Crony

A heavily redacted document just released by the Senate Judiciary Committee confirms the existence of a second anti-Trump dossier which - much like the first dossier published by Buzzfeed - relied on information from Russia's FSB, the state security service. Said otherwise, actual Russian collusion in an attempt to sway the 2016 election.

Shockingly, this second dossier went from Clinton "hatchet man" Cody Shearer, who gave it to an unnamed official in the Obama State Department, before it was routed it to former British Spy Christopher Steele. It is unknown what happened to the document after that.

According to the referral, Steele wrote the additional memo based on anti-Trump information that originated with a foreign source. In a convoluted scheme outlined in the referral, the foreign source gave the information to an unnamed associate of Hillary and Bill Clinton, who then gave the information to an unnamed official in the Obama State Department, who then gave the information to Steele. Steele wrote a report based on the information, but the redacted version of the referral does not say what Steele did with the report after that.

Published accounts in the Guardian and the Washington Post have indicated that Clinton associate Cody Shearerwas in contact with Steele about anti-Trump research, and Obama State Department official Jonathan Winer was a connection between Steele and the State Department during the 2016 campaign. -Washington Examiner

Of note, Shearer's brother served as an ambassador during the Clinton administration, and his late sister was married to Strobe Talbott, the chief authority on Russia in President Bill Clinton’s State Department, according to ProPublica.


1 comment:

  1. The crooked s#!t never ends with the Clintons and the Democrats.Some how we have got to get control of our political system befor we lose our country. President Trump is our best hope and we all need to support him by voting for Republicans to represent us in congress.


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