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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Flu shot only 36 percent effective, making bad year worse

NEW YORK — The flu vaccine is doing a poor job protecting older Americans and others against the bug that’s causing most illnesses.

Preliminary figures released Thursday suggest the vaccine is 36 percent effective overall in preventing flu illness severe enough to send a patient to the doctor’s office.

There’s only been one other time in the last decade when the flu vaccine did a worse job.

Most illnesses this winter have been caused by a nasty kind of flu called Type A H3N2. The vaccine was only 25 percent effective against that type.

This kind of virus tends to cause more suffering and has been responsible for the worst recent flu seasons. But experts have wondered whether low vaccine effectiveness is another reason for the surprisingly severe season hitting the United States this winter.

Based on these numbers, the answer is yes.



  1. It was free. I'll take 36% over 0%.

  2. And now I see that pharmacies are giving away the ineffective flu shots. Still believe the medical industry when they tell everyone they need to get the shot? My company, my pharmacy, and my doctor all tried to talk me into it, but I denied the offer every time. Still haven't gotten the flu (yet). But I do wash my hands...ALOT!

  3. I have heard a big push for the flu shot over the past few years. The issue isn’t if the flu shot is effective. The issue is people’s physical health. If you don’t want to get the flu, jump start your immune system; exercise regularly, eat healthy, practice proper hygiene, and take care of your body. Positive personal health substitutes vaccines. Insurances should be covering gym memberships, healthy foods on our grocery bills, and hygiene products instead of vaccines, medications, and ‘doctors’ visits.

  4. agree 304, mine is always free so any percentage is better than none!


  5. It was free. I'll take 36% over 0%.

    February 21, 2018 at 3:04 PM;

    Practicing good hygiene is much more effective than 36%. I'll take 100% over your 36% any day. Unless you lock me in a room with an infected person in my face, I have much better odds of not contracting the flu than you do.

  6. Anonymous said...

    It was free. I'll take 36% over 0%.

    February 21, 2018 at 3:04 PM;

    I've got a load of manure in by back yard. Its free, want it?

  7. Free has caused a drug epidemic.

  8. Free flu shot and Alzheimer’s disease, that's a bargain !

  9. 3:44 what kind of manure ? I need fertilizer for the garden. I've got to grow my veggies to eat healthy and avoid the flu! Healthy foods are not free.


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