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Monday, February 19, 2018

Florida Teacher of the Year: Parents Need to ‘Step Up’ and Control Their Kids’ Behavior

A Florida middle school teacher who was named Teacher of the Year at her school said that parents need to “step up” and control their kids’ behavior.

Kelly Guthrie Raley, who was selected as Eustis Middle School’s Teacher of the Year 2017-2018 last month, wrote on Facebook Thursday in a now-viral post that as an educator, the lack of compassion and increase in violence she has noticed among students are caused by a “lack of parental support”:

“Parents, it’s time to step up!” Raley wrote, adding:

"Be the parent that actually gives a crap! Be the annoying mom that pries and knows what your kid is doing. STOP being their friend. They have enough “friends” at school. Be their parent. Being the “cool mom” means not a damn thing when either your kid is dead or your kid kills other people because they were allowed to have their space and privacy in YOUR HOME."

She said the trend of parents not wanting to take responsibility for their children’s behavior has to change if violence in the classroom is to be stopped.



  1. Teasing,ridiculing and bullying were around when I was a kid and I'm 65.

  2. Very true. Sad part is she will probably be fired for saying this instead of being politically correct

  3. That teacher will be fired, because that goes against the govt narrative...

  4. Read the complete post and I agree. Been saying this for 30 years or more. Government needs to get out of attempting to control Family behavior.

  5. My son hated me for being that mom. But look at him now. Retired @ 51 yo from AF, & USPP. Has a booming side business & is HAPPY!

  6. She is absolutely right on target. We need more teachers like her. Childhood has always been a rough stage in life with trying to find out who you are, making friends, trying to run the social gantlet. Some kids today have NO respect for themselves or anyone in authority. This is what you get with a permissive parenting style, parents who are afraid of their own children, don't know how or are too stoned to apply any parental guidance! My how things have changed. I told my adult son last night after he got home from college, "I feel bad that things are like this in your generation. With all the technical advances and opportunity available and the world like it is." We were discussing his day and things going on in the world. Heavy conversation after a long day at work and then college.

  7. Some need ass spanked by Grandma like old school days !!!!

    WAsh mouth out with soap too !!!! by Grandma !!!

  8. One problem teachers have is being forced to deal with the single baby mama kids. These children do not have both parents to properly raise them. All one has to do is to listen to the filthy mouth from the baby mama and it will explain why the child acts and talks like a wild rabid animal.


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