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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Florida Shooting Survivor Doubles Down: CNN's Entire Townhall Was Scripted

The latest embarrassing blow to CNN's (already tattered) credibility emerged last night when Colton Haab, the student who first exposed CNN for pushing him to ask a scripted question during Wednesday night's town hall appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to offer even more shocking details about CNN's conduct.

Yesterday, we noted that Haab, a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student and shooting survivor, had come forward to say he decided not to attend Wednesday night's CNN town hall after CNN producers gave him a pre-scripted question for him to ask.

But Haab told Carlson that the producers didn't just want him to ask one scripted question: They essentially rewrote a list of questions and political points that he wanted to make at the town hall, prompting him to back away from the town hall. Haab told Carlson he shared with CNN what he wanted to say, but a producer named Carrie Stevenson ultimately rejected it, and instead after several conversations "scripted" a question for him.

"CNN had originally asked me to write a speech and questions and it ended up being all scripted," Haab said to a local news outlet Wednesday night, according to RealClearPolitics.

Haab told Carlson he wanted to go "speak [his] part" and "open eyes" to a few things he thought could make the situation better. Haab said the network was dishonest and that is why he decided not to attend. He also said he was directed to "stick to the script."

"She had actually said that over the phone that I needed to stick to the script," Haab said of the CNN producer.

he was approached by CNN to ask a question at Wednesday night's town hall, but declined after the network gave him a "scripted question" instead of allowing him to ask his own question.



  1. CNN , the Clinton News Network, probably hired Cruz to go and shoot those kids!
    The Clinton's might have heard that one of them had information to put Hillary in Prison!

  2. It leads one to wonder if the shooting itself was scripted.

    1. I too am wondering. Everything seems like it is orchestrated. But when I think no how could that happen. No one in politics could be that cold blooded. just a horrible thought.

  3. I believe the kid any day over CNN. CNN is an arm of the democrat party so just like all democrats they lie constantly.

  4. 220
    Certainly it was scripted and probably took years of planning by DHS.
    Looks like CIA is pissed about it, and have set about exposing it as a hoax.
    The 2 agencies are competing for funding and have separate agendas ongoing.

    This event (like Sandy Hoax) should get very interesting in the days ahead as these 2 agencies go at each other.

  5. You may want to take a look at Miles Mathis' writing on this event.
    He and his guest writer do some excellent research on the people involved.


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