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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Florida Sheriff: 911 Not Sufficient, Must Have Concealed Firearm Holders on Campus

Polk County, Florida, Sheriff Grady Judd says schools must be allowed to adopt a system where concealed firearms holders are on campus and can “run to the threat.”

He stressed that 911 is not sufficient because the attacker is already on campus, making his presence known via violence by the time 911 is called.

Judd told Fox News, “The average shooter is finished with his evil deed in two to five minutes… in Broward County it was three minutes. The average police response is plus five minutes. When 911 is called the shooter is on the campus wreaking havoc, that’s too late…We have got to have specially trained people that have concealed firearms that can run to the threat and protect our children.”

More here


  1. They are called police or armed trained private security. Teachers are there to teach.

  2. Dialing 911 doesn't freeze a moment in time until police can arrive.

  3. Arm teachers with Taser Guns ....Best Solution !!!

  4. running to the threat is little more effective than calling 911. The only effective means is to be armed & right beside the shooter... dream on.


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