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Monday, February 26, 2018

Florida Governor Orders Investigation Into Parkland Shooting Response

Florida Governor Rick Scott has ordered the state's top law enforcement agency to conduct an independent investigation into the Broward Country Sheriff's Department response to the deadly Valentine's Day shooting at a Parkland high school, the governor's office announced Sunday.

Gov. Scott's request to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) to investigate the matter follows a letter from Florida House Member Bill Hager (R) calling for Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel to resign over his department's response to the shooting, along with dozens of visits to suspect Nikolas Cruz - making the Sheriff "fully aware of the threat this individual [Cruz] presented to his community."

As a result of the media reports coming out showing the gross incompetence of the @browardsheriff, I am calling on @FLGovScott to remove sheriff Israel from his post. 1/2



  1. Let's see

    39 visits from the police nothing done.

    1 police officer on the scene does nothing.

    3 more police show up do nothing

    Dems want gun free school zones so they can push there destruction of the 2nd Amendment

    Paid for by GEORGE SOROS.

  2. Just who is "the states top law enforcement" is that another finger of the hand that is choking the life and liberty from this Country? More deepstate democrat communist progressives? We are long past due for accountability for the criminal actions and attacks to our Constitution from those in high places.

  3. Looks like everything is on track for what the Liberal Democrats had planned. They have allowed these attacks to continue to get their disarm america agenda going. Now they even have brainwashed the children!

  4. 12:06 the democrat politicians know they can never disarm Americans. It's not going to happen. The Constitution prevents it. The only ones who think this can happen are the incredibly ignorant democrat voters. The democrats allow the attacks to continue because it is the only way they can get elected. That is why they are totally against arming teachers and turning schools into fortresses. They want children to die and if they deny they are just getting to that lying they constantly do. There isn't a democrat dead or alive who has ever contributed anything positive to society ever so they need to have something to demonize the Republicans on so they can win and this is one of the ways.

  5. It looks to me they were never trained to attack a school shooter and protect the students.Those deputies took defensive positions behind their cars which is what you might do if there were hostages being held in the building,however that was not the case there was an active shooter killing everyone in sight and that required those officers to enter the building and attack the shooter.That sheriff is responsible for having the wrong officers who were improperly trained on his staff and should be held accountable.

  6. My guess is that the 33 year 'veteran officer" felt he deserved a cushy job due to his seniority.
    Seniority certainly doesn't pass as automatically most qualified for a position.

  7. I don't think he should resign. Experience is the best teacher. Elections have consequences and the dumb democrat voters need to live with those consequences. He's a liar just like all democrats. He creates illusions just like all democrats. His motto is: ""Our success will be measured by the number of kids we keep out of jail, not the number we put in jail.""
    He kept kids out of jail all right. By completely ignoring violent crime so he could show a reduction in arrests. His inactions put the gun in Cruz's hands.
    Now the voters should be forced to live with what they wanted. Same goes for the inner cities. They vote stupidly too so they should be forced to continue to wallow in their cess pools of crime and poverty.

  8. When receiving fire only 20 % of your weapon discharge is accurate.
    SO we expect teachers firing against a weapon of war to be effective, really

  9. 125

    The international bankers MUST disarm the American population before they can allow the economy to collapse.

    And yes, the economy MUST collapse. The FED, ECB, BOJ, have all created far too much debt (Currency) and there must be a collapse (deflation) of all prices. The currencies must be abandoned and a new currency issued. There must be negative interest rates in order to FORCE everyone to keep their wealth in the banks.

    The bankers are the masters of the universe.
    Politicians do not matter.
    Bankers run the world (and intelligence agencies).

  10. Now the voters should be forced to live with what they wanted. Same goes for the inner cities. They vote stupidly too so they should be forced to continue to wallow in their cess pools of crime and poverty.
    February 26, 2018 at 3:26 PM

    No, that is not right. I understand your frustration and only figuratively should that happen.

    These stupid voters and their actions do have an effect on the entire country. They have to be corrected and either shown how to do things the correct way, or their actions nullified.

  11. Anonymous said...
    When receiving fire only 20 % of your weapon discharge is accurate.
    SO we expect teachers firing against a weapon of war to be effective, really
    February 26, 2018 at 3:46 PM

    First, a semi-automatic rifle is NOT a weapon of war. These rifles are not used by any army on this planet.

    I don't know where you got your "stats" from but any "weapon discharge" (lol) and its' accuracy is dependant on the one firing the weapon, whether receiving fire or otherwise.

    But ANY returning fire from teachers/staff is 100% effective in defending oneself, and certainly 100% better than nothing.

    Not all teachers are 70 years old or wimps. ANYONE firing back at a nut shooting up a school is a GOOD thing. You think anyone is going to stand in the middle of a hallway while someone is shooting back at them? No, the shooter will move and seek cover himself and hopefully exit the building.

    Self-defeating attitudes like yours and other people get people killed. I hope you are not a teacher or connected with schools in any capacity. (or a coward LEO)


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