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Thursday, February 01, 2018

Feds investigating Apple over iPhone slowdown scandal

The Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission are investigating whether Apple violated securities laws concerning its disclosures that it slowed older iPhones with flagging batteries, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.

The government has requested information from the company, Bloomberg reported, citing people familiar with the matter.

The chairman of a Senate committee overseeing business issues asked Apple to answer questions about its disclosures, Reuters reported this month.

Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment. An SEC spokesman and Justice Department spokeswoman declined to comment.



  1. Nothing will come of it, even if they did do it on purpose... Worst thing that will happen to them is a fine and the fine won't amount to squat and Apple will just chalk it up to just doing business...

    Put it this way, just like BP with the gulf oil spill... These are generic numbers, and only intend to explain how everything works... Let's say dung the spill for BP they made 1 billion dollars for letting the oil spill happen... Then they get fined for negligence, of lets say 100 million dollars... To you or me that is a pretty heft fine but to them, it is a drop in the bucket and cost of doing business... Even after the fine, they made money, they made a profit, so in essence the fine doesn't hurt them or make them think twice about letting the spill happen again...

    This is how it works will all big business... They do something illegal, immoral and wrong, get caught and fined, and then after the fine they make a profit... Same thing with the bank of america fiasco... They got sued for taking money in the forms of overdrafts, got caught, sued and lost... Out of thousands of dollars they took from me and other customers, I got back all of 12 bucks from that lawsuit... Sounds fair right???

    You people need to take a hard look in the mirror and ask yourself if you like getting f'ed in the A'' or do you not, becasue we are everyday you stand down and sit on your fat lazy asses letting these people do this to others, and then you think a fine will do any good... It is all laughable... just laughable... Now compound that to all industries and business and even local municipalities... and you wonder why things are messed up as bad as they are, and not getting better...

    1. Sounds about right. What do you suggest we do besides sitting on our lazy as_ _!

  2. Just because of this, Apple has lost my business completely. I know know by my older Apple products are no longer holding a charge for very long. I have to attach a battery pack to each of my devices to use them. I won't be purchasing any more of their products in the future.

  3. Simply FIX it with the next UPDATE !!! WHY Not ??

  4. Its not just apple!!! My last two phone samsung android (AT&T) phones had a simlair problem. It appears when the contract is up. A auto update kills the battery life. I have complained to no avail. Tried cutting off the auto download feature, but thats after its happened. You would have to re root your phone to get rid of it.

  5. Apple was created by intelligence.
    The Feds answer to intelligence.
    Not the other way around

  6. I can tell you this much, I have an iPhone 4 and after the last "updates" that phone got so damn slow and now there aren't any more updates. There are times that it takes me a couple of minutes before the dial pad opens up for me to make a phone call. If I needed to call 911 for an emergency I would end up dying.

  7. I had an Android Incredible before Verizon replaced it under warranty with an iPhone. I hadn't had that phone long and after maybe the second upgrade the battery died much sooner than it had been. That phone battery would last all week long and then after that update I only got about 8 hours max before I had to put it back on the charger and I knew the upgrade was the culprit.


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