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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

FBI knew Nikolas Cruz was stockpiling weapons

Florida governor Rick Scott is calling for Christopher Wray to step down from the top spot at the FBI after the agency admitted to ignoring information it had received about Nikolas Cruz from a source close to the the shooter.

'The caller provided information about Cruz’s gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting,' said the FBI in a statement on Friday.

The agency went on to state that this information, which came in over their Public Access Line, should have been classified as 'a potential threat to life' and the Miami field office notified about the information.

Those protocols were not followed however for reasons that are still not clear, and on Wednesday Cruz shot dead 17 people.

'Seventeen innocent people are dead and acknowledging a mistake isn't going to cut it,' said Governor Scott .

'We constantly promote "see something, say something," and a courageous person did just that to the FBI. And the FBI failed to act.'

He then stated: '"See something, say something" is an incredibly important tool and people must have confidence in the follow through from law enforcement. The FBI Director needs to resign.'



  1. All the people involved, from the one who took the call right up to the head of their office for not checking and making sure this was investigated fully! There is no acceptable excuse for this failure, NONE. Any amature could have traced that down to the state, county and city of the shooter. His name was not common spelling. We can not even afford to say 1% chance doesn't matter, because if there is 1% chance this could happen then innocent people die and suffer needlessly! This is a totally unacceptable failure and all involved need to pay the maximum penalty, we can't charge them but fire them, no retirement, severance or any other compensation. These families can never be compensated for the lose of a child whose future could have gone anywhere!!

  2. THEY DONT WANT IT TO STOP!!! They allow it to happen so they can attempt to override the Constitution, that is their goal. This is why they dont stop the insane, the terrorist, the corrupt in our government {and there are hundreds of thousands}, none are stopped, none are indited, punished, fire, jailed... and WE are only seeing the tip of the iceberg!!

  3. How about the local authorities that made 39 calls to his home over the past 7 years? No clues there? A whole lot of blame to go around.

    1. As I said in the first comment ALL involved, ALL! No exceptions,exemptions,excuses for there is no acceptable excuse...period!

  4. 1:44 I agree. Shortly after the news-- and hours before the media released his name-- broke of the shooting his name was all over social media. this because some of the students in the school were able to get it out there. At the time many were spelling it the common way Nicholas. That did not stop internet sleuths from finding his social media pages (where he was spelling it Nikolas) and posting pictures of him displaying guns. Cruz warned several times what he planned to do. It was as if he was screaming out for help before the demons in his head completely took over but was ignored. I totally blame the FBI.

  5. Not trying to burst your bubble,but that happened last week.Unless I'm completely missing the point,the only option currently available is to take what we learned from this incident and move on by preventing the next shooting.Events political and otherwise these days are crammed to the gills with what HAS HAPPENED.We should be concerned with what WILL HAPPEN and learn from failures like this one.

    1. If nothing is done to those who failed to follow up on a 1% chance it might happen then thaws same people and others like them will let it happen again. Would you want to take the 1% chance with your children, grandchildren,nieces and nephews or friends children?

    2. If in the back of your mind you know your job and career are, not maybe but are, going to be absolutely destroyed, you would not just 'pass the buck' and 'm longer my problem' it!

  6. If you see something say something but say something to multiple people and agencies and follow it up because no doubt a few are too stupid to believe you or maybe they think someone's missing pet is more important.

  7. I've been "stockpiling" guns for 50 years.

  8. Why is it always someone higher up the ladder needs to resign " The FBI Director needs to resign" WHY! because they didn't act right away or maybe they did miss something. The people he lived with knew he had guns, and allowed him to bring them there. She also stated he was a MONSTER well she wasn't calling him a Monster when he brought the guns to there house. Maybe they need to be held accountable. It is truly a shame that so many Children have died. And no matter who is held accountable, and how many gun laws they change. People will still get guns and people will still kill.


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