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Monday, February 26, 2018

Exposing the Deep Rot in the Deep State

Once again, the president has pried behind the stucco of the Deep State's institutional edifice and shown that the pillars are termite-ridden. Over at Instapundit, law professor Glenn Reynolds said it most succinctly:

FL Shooting Survivor Colton Haab: CNN Told Me I Needed To "Stick To The Script"; Entire Town Hall Scripted.

Trump's luck is pretty amazing. The entire media sets up a week-long hatefest aimed at the NRA, culminating in that shameful fake "Town Hall," and then the very next day it comes out that there was a police officer there who was too cowardly to do anything, and Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, who was shaming and lecturing gun owners the night before, must have known it while he was up there on stage.

Trump's superpower is his ability, just by existing, to bring out the deep and pervasive rot in America's institutions and the people who run them.



  1. Noticeable in Israel's Testimony at the CNN liberal fest was when asked, said he could not comment because he had not listened to the radio tapes, and almost in the next answer telling that on the tapes of the incident it was revealed that..." Well, which is it, Scott? We're 10 days after the fact and you have not reviewed a single tape, or you'e heard them all and now have had time to create your narrative?

    This man needs to be hanged by the neck until dead with no benefit of a broken neck snap.

  2. he doesen't even have to listen to the tapes the corwards were there. they know what they did was wrong. and now they are trying to cover their asses so they don't get sued.


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