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Thursday, February 08, 2018

Exclusive – Kobach: FISA-Gate Makes Watergate Look Like Child’s Play

Many political scandals acquire the “–gate” appellation simply because they are scandals.

They bear little similarity to the circumstances of the actual Watergate scandal itself. But the House Intelligence Committee memorandum on the abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) by the Obama FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) sheds light on a scandal that is strikingly similar to Watergate. Only it is far more sinister.

Both scandals occurred in the middle of a heated presidential campaign. In Watergate, President Richard Nixon was seeking re-election against Sen. George McGovern (D-SD). In FISA-gate, Hillary Clinton was seeking to retain Democrat control of the White House against Donald Trump.

Both scandals involved the illegal collection of information from the opposing campaign. In Watergate, five men hired by the Nixon re-election campaign were arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex. In FISA-gate, the Obama FBI and DOJ relied on a fictitious dossier paid for the DNC to obtain a FISA warrant and conduct surveillance on a member of the Trump campaign (Carter Page).



  1. Then , Don't let them Off ...Nixon did not get off !!!

  2. We the people,most of my acquaintances anyway,want to see some real action by the prosecutors and put a bunch of those sorry asses in jail.


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