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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Exactly What I've Been Saying


  1. Guns save lives. The real question is why do liberals keep trying to disarm Good citizens. Sad truth is the uneducated keep being attacked with liberal lies and take it as truth. The best way for me to explain it is if the liberals say its bad then its really good if they say you need it run far away from it. You also need to rember its called FAKE news for a reason.

  2. And that gun won’t help you if the Government wants you. They will get you.

  3. It's always a liberal that's pulling the trigger.

  4. Your AR-15 is useless against drones that can take you out from 15 miles away. You created the greatest military in the world and it can be used against you. Today's americans don't have the fight in them that the Vietcong did.

  5. It is not the deer it was written for, it is tryrants within and out of Govt.

  6. Nothing will be done really. I'm more worried about my TAX returns in 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. 6:47 - You might be right, but taking this is just the beginning. Just think how easy it will be for the governemnt when there are none.

    7:16 - You are right!!

    I would rather die fihgting than live the creepy world that the liberals are trying build.

  8. To be fair it was also written in a time when you could shoot 2 maybe 3 musket balls a minute. I don't think the founding fathers knew what was coming.

    1. To be fair? Wtf do you mean?

      They knew exactly what they were doing. The problem is you think you do.

  9. Make no mistake, I endorse the 2nd amendment and like guns. However, I can not understand why the average American needs an AR with huge ammo clips. These are military weapons and should be used for such; not for "sport".

    1. Good news is you don't have to understand. That's what the 2nd amendment is there for, no gray area. Shall not be infringed, what's left to understand?

  10. I don't own any firearms, but support the second amendment. It was put in place to protect the citizens in case the government turns tyrannical against its citizens. In any government there needs to be checks and balances along with accountability. I may not own firearms, but I have a problem with only the government having control of weapons. This happened in Nazi Germany in the Thirties, and in Soviet Russia. This is how mass slaughters can happen if the government turns on its citizens. Jefferson warned about this in the federalist papers and in writings along with our founding fathers that history is trying hard to erase.

  11. Take away gun rights from the law abiding citizen will only make it easier for the criminal to take control or a tyrannical government over it's citizens.
    Criminals don't follow laws and weapons can always be obtained. Drugs are illegal, yet they are easily obtained if you know the right person.

  12. LOL army would turn y'all into Swiss cheese shorebillies

  13. For the life of me, I cannot understand why people insist that their second amendment right is more important than the lives of innocent children. No one is trying to take guns away from law-abiding citizens. All we want are regulations that require permits and prohibit those with mental health issues or under a certain age, etc. to purchase firearms. Regulations are placed on many other things in order to make our county safer. For example, regulations are in place to make driving automobiles safer in order to decrease fatalities. We are required to have a driver's license, wear seat belts and not drink and drive or text and drive. These restrictions have decreased the numbers of fatalities from automobile accidents. Why are there more restrictions on driving a vehicle than there are for owning a gun? If people were more open to discussing common sense regulations of firearms instead of dismissing any legislation as "democrats trying to take their guns away," we might actually make some progress towards preventing these types of atrocities in our country.

    1. Why are you complaining? Trump said that what he is doing? Calm down and turn off CNN. Go to Baltimore inner city tonight and go for a walk in the projects let me no how it works out for you.

  14. 7:16 did it ever occur to you that it might be the military revolting against the crooked politicians who no longer respect our constitution and bill of rights.I realize a lot of government bureaucrats would sell this country right down the toilet to protect their job but most military personel,both enlisted and officers are conservatives and are sworn to protect the constitution and I think they would.

  15. 8:10 AM....well, if the 2ndA only pertains to muskets...then the 1stA only pertains to parchment and quill....turn in your phones and computers immediately!

    8:24 AM...A well regulated militia "that shall not be infringed" is in fact entitled to every weapon the kings military is entitled to. I dont need to justify why I want to exercise my constitutional rights. Turn over your phones and computers...you dont need those to exercise the 1stA.

    Terrorist flood our Country every day, but you dont understand.

    You DONT understand because you Dont want to, you dont even understand what the Bill of Rights are nor their true meaning. You are in fact the brainwashed snowflakes. You nor your communist kings and queens have the right to change the BOR. Crime is rampid everywhere...but you dont understand why people chose to protect their families. Deep State crime and corruption abound, every day more evident and revealing...but your dont understand.
    Exercise your right NOT to arm yourself, but leave my Rights ALONE so I dont hold YOU responsible!!

    See folks, anti-americans are even here attempting to persuade you out of the 2A...by 1000 cuts they try to disarm.....whats so important to them that they must have defenseless citizens?!?
    Gun laws dont work, look at all the strick gun law areas....flooded with violent crime...is this what they seek for Our neighborhoods???

  16. 9:12
    LOL us shorebillies would turn you into Swiss Cheese as well if the government cuts off your food supply and you decide to come to us shorebillies for food and supplies. We can be self sufficient, but you morons from the city has probably never had to fend for yourselves or go out and hunt and farm for your food. Come on over, we will give your the shorebilly welcome you deserve!!!

    1. I disagree with your nasty comment. I am from across the bridge and I Know what guns are all about. My father and brothers all had guns for hunting. They respected those guns. We never ever thought about using them on people. Just deer, turkey, rabbits which we killed and ate. Where did you get the notion that the Eastern Shore is the only place that knows it all especially guns.

  17. 9:32 That's exactly the problem, you and everyone like you, don't understand. You've been indoctrinated by government run schools that teach you want they want you to hear. The second amendment wasn't written right after the first for nothing. Without equal armament, we would still be under the British crown.

    I have AR's and have used them for hunting wild hogs in Texas. Those large ammo MAGAZINES, come in quite handy when you have a hundred pigs in front of you. Those same firearms would also come in handy in case a group of hood rats or mob came busting into my home.

    I am a free, natural born American citizen and will do whatever it takes to stay that way. You liberals keep trying to disarm me and push me into a corner, you all underestimate what people like me can/will do when/if the time comes.

    I am a very peaceful person, mind my own business, and keep my affairs private, but I am also old enough to realize my duty is fast approaching to make sure every single service member who has made the ultimate sacrifice not have done so in vain.

    You mess with bulls, sometimes you get the horns.

  18. 9:52 You are the ones with limited job opportunities, stagnant home prices, sky high rents and rampant crime. You should use your guns to shoot yourselves in the foot because you brought all these things upon yourselves with attitudes like that.

  19. 10:28...You literally did not respond to anything I said. Is hunting hogs in Texas more important than the lives of the children being massacred in their schools?? How is asking for background checks and age restrictions and mental health assessments keeping you from having your guns for shooting hogs? Is it because you couldn't pass one or all of these requirements?

    Gun regulations would not cure all of the ills of our society, but it would certainly lessen the availability of guns to people like Nikolas Cruz.

    And you really just proved my point. I offered some common sense regulations that would not prohibit law-abiding citizens from owning guns, and all you did was spout the same "liberals suck" nonsense. If democrats and conservatives cannot have rational discussions and reach across the aisle to come to some sort of compromise, how can we as a country expect to keep these atrocities from happening? Because whatever we are doing right now is not working.

    1. Are you aware of the shootings that happen EVERYDAY in Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit...should I go on? Democrat run cities by the way! How many guns that people get murdered. by EVERY FREAKN DAY are LEGALLY PURCHASED by the "owner" ??? Do you think that if we pass more laws that makes it harder for ANYBODY to legally purchase a gun, that those thugs will stop the MURDERS that HAPPEN EVERYDAY and get rid of their guns and never illegally get one again? There are CHILDREN GETTING MURDERED EVERYDAY in cities all over the US. Do you only care about the children that are MURDERED In SCHOOL SHOOTINGS??? DEMONcrats are the ones who are DOING ALL OF THE SHOOTING! They are OBVIOUSLY the ones who are MENTALLY ILL! I think that NORMAL,RATIONAL PEOPLE with COMMON SENSE have had enough of listening to the BULLSH!# that comes from LIBERALS MOUTHS.

  20. 10:30 AM....its you liberal progressives, snowflake brainwashed that voted the most corrupt to office, muslum brotherhood, communist democrats to office everywhere, you and them destroyed the economy, the housing markets, the value of the dollar....along with all the other crimes against America now you push for more gun control when facts show it dosent make things better but worse. Go back to the cities and the crime ridden neighborhoods you destroyed with your corrupt ignorant self.

    Crimes against the Constitution are war crimes committed against Americans, those enemies should be treated, tried and convicted as war criminals. A well Regulated Militia is not complete with out a Military Tribunal, Military Court just like every branch of the military controlled by government. That is where the treasonous, the communist, the violators of the 2A will be sentenced! Press the Commander and Chief for our right to exercise a Military Court, there we will hold trials on the infringers!!

  21. 8:24 the words "need" and "sport" are not in the 2nd amendment. Just saying.

  22. The only thing that keeps our corrupt government from coming to disarm us is that there are 60 million gun owners, no drones, tanks, or the army is big enough to take us on!
    Plus as we all know, no army can handle Gorilla warfare, just look at Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, yes there are losses, but with 60 million soldiers, attacking all over at any time, well this is what keeps us free!

  23. 12:18 Sorry to disappoint your low IQ self but I've never voted for a Democrat in 45 years of voting, own many firearms and have a CCW. You and your fellow shore dwellers are still behind the curve in every matrix. The rest of America is doing great, you got caught in the downfall and miss the elevator back up. Enjoy!

  24. Bob Aswell.... RealistFebruary 23, 2018 at 2:19 PM

    Speaking of disarmament,Are any of these liberal anti gun nuts willing to HELP disarm all the blacks and MS-13 in Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore?? I don't think so. As a matter fact NO MATTER HOW MANY DIE in these cities there's NO TALK of it. The only thing you hear is if John Q. Public defends his home against intrusion, then all the liberals want to expound on the terrible childhood and under privilegement the culprit endured. Nancy Pelosi style in grand form! They'er ALL as lame as her and typical Dumbocrat dupes. This Country was won and defended by men with integrity and GUNS. The World wars were victorious and of the same.
    Sometimes I am embarrassed to see the rest of the World see the U.S. as a group of natural asses who don't have the stones to stand up for what's right and moral. These liberal college profs are teaching this change the culture crap yet the change isn't for the good. When the bullets fly they're the FIRST ONES to seek refuge in the men that are armed and effect the put down of the perps. Wake up folks...Wackos like Pelosi and Schummer are the culprits that really weaken this nation and its children and furnish nuts an easy target. Bob Aswell....Realist

  25. 11:59

    I didn't respond to your inane "argument" because, again, you said yourself you don't understand. I was agreeing with you.

    And to say I care more about hunting hogs than children getting massacred illustrates perfectly the fact you are seriously deficient in rational thought and squarely marks you as a delusional liberal.

    When was the last time you purchased a "regulated" firearm?? Do you even have a clue as to what that means?

    Law abiding citizens already have to jump through hoops to purchase a regulated firearm which the constitution dictates is illegal.

    But people like you force that garbage on the rest of us and look the other way when the danger signs were everywhere regarding that nut job Cruz.

    Maybe you should ask why he was visited over 30 times by police who did nothing. No, instead you rant about more laws and regulations as if someone intent on murder cares.

    Please, do we patriots a favor and turn off NBCCBSCNNABC. They are not helping you.

    You offered up the old tired "common sense regulations" as your crowning glory. Which regulation would have kept Cruz from killing that would not hamper or restrict my ability and God given right to purchase a firearm? Fact is, you don't give a crap about my rights. You're more than willing to give up yours though which I guess is your prerogative.

    Go get a copy of Form 4473 and read it. Cruz obviously lied on his. That loser should have been marked long before he went to a gun store. Place the blame where it belongs, with law enforcement.


  26. Some good discussion and points previously, but also a lot of heated rhetoric and emotion, much of which was inaccurate.

    The Second Amendment does not contain any wiggle room, weasel words or equivocations. That is on purpose.

    Our Framers had wrested our freedom from the world's most powerful nation, and in both the run up to the Declaration of Independence, and during the Revolutionary War, had experienced first hand the direct effect of the king's soldiers and mercenaries on their families and homes.

    That is precisely why the Second Amendment exists as written, and why it was preceded only by the First Amendment in the Framers' priorities.

    All states regulate firearm purchases, since that is a state's right that is also embedded in the Constitution. As we all know, various states have different regulations currently.

    The root cause, based on information to date, of the Florida attack is that a kid/young adult with many known issues who should have been under a lot of scrutiny and care wasn't, due to misguided policies and practices, while the various professionals shuffled the hot potato. Complicated by the FBI. Complicated by the first responders' inaction.

    We'll continue to learn more as time passes. But it's clear that those who think the FBI or Broward law enforcement would be there for them in a time of need paid a very dear price, and there are no refunds.

  27. Terror events are orchestrated by DHS with lots of planning and training.
    This even was no different from Sandy Hoax, Aurora, Columbine, Arizona, South Carolina, it goes on and on

  28. 8:24 you call it a clip and say you know about guns. I call you a liar and a liberal.

  29. 11:59 if you care so much about kids why are you not talking about abortion witch kills hundreds of kids a day.


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