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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Embattled CA Dems Will Have 24-Hour Sexual Assault Hotline at Party Convention

California Democrats will have a 24-hour “sexual assault and harassment” hotline at this weekend’s party convention in San Diego as some top Democrats in the state have had to resign or come under fire because of allegations of sexual misconduct and harassment.

The party’s convention website reads:

Sexual Assault & Harassment Hotline We have worked with national survivor advocates to establish a 24-hour hotline during the three days of the Convention where Delegates have a safe and confidential way to report an assault or threatening behavior against themselves or others. Information about the Sexual Assault & Harassment Hotline will be provided to Delegates when they register, and will be posted throughout the Convention.

Additional Security Following current best practices, we are stepping up the level of visible security at our Convention this year. We are taking this step for several reasons. First, we want to ensure adequate personnel to respond to any reports we get from Delegates or from the Sexual Assault & Harassment Hotline. We also want to ensure that there are plenty of trained professionals who can de-escalate potential problems before they turn into situations that threaten your safety. Lastly, in the unlikely event of a natural disaster or other major incident, we want to make certain everyone in the Convention Center is safe and secure.


1 comment:

  1. They should have a booth at the convention to educate the attendees about what sexual harassment really is, just so no one's confused.


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