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Thursday, February 08, 2018

Dog Found In Parsonsburg/Pittsville Area: UPDATE

As of 8:30 this morning the dogs owners called me and she is back home. Thank you for posting that. Also thank you for everything you do on this site and for the people of the lower eastern shore.
Hi Joe I'm hoping you can help me, we found this dog today on old ocean city road in between Parsonsburg and Pittsville. The dog is very sweet and has a collar on but no tags. Must show proof of ownership in order to claim dog, such as gender and what its collar looks like and pictures.  We would really like to find the owner if you can help us out. 443-397-0586


  1. What a sweet old baby!

  2. Please feed him , he looks so thin.
    Thanks for holding him--- Hope you
    can take it inside . Older & ,short
    haired dog shouldn't be out in the cold.

  3. Proof of ownership !? Really ?! If you find a potential owner for this old warrior please take them up on it.

  4. Yes, it deserves a chance to live out
    the rest of it's days in a loving atmosphere
    and proper Vet Care. Poor Dog. Hope
    someone will help it!

  5. God Bless you for trying to find this poor ole fellow's owners...

  6. As of this morning the dogs owner called me and I have reunited the dog with her owner . The power of this blog site is bigger than I ever thought , also a big thanks to Joe for sharing info like this on his site

  7. Dog owners please put your dogs name and your contact info on the dogs collar.


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