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Friday, February 09, 2018

Dems offer us a Clinton and a Kennedy — will they ever learn?

Meet the Democratic stars of 2020: a Clinton and a Kennedy.

Yes, the party of the people — the poor, the disenfranchised, the overworked and underpaid, the allies of Black Lives Matter and #MeToo — has two of its most entitled dynastic figures front and center.

Will they never learn?

Hours before President Trump’s first State of the Union address, Hillary Clinton dumped a lengthy, cover-your-ass statement on Facebook. This, four days after news broke that Clinton refused to fire a known sexual harasser on her 2008 campaign despite a top female adviser encouraging her to do so.

Initially, Clinton said she had been “dismayed” by the complaint, but encouraged by the young woman who came forward.

“I called her today to tell her how proud I am of her,”Clinton tweeted, “and to make sure she knows what all women should: we deserve to be heard.”

Hillary Clinton, would-be shatterer of the last glass ceiling: That is a low bar.

As usual, once public sentiment actually seeped in, Clinton addressed the issue in more detail. Hence the 18-paragraph-long disquisition on Facebook.

Seems someone’s thinking about running again.



  1. WTF and I am a registered democrat. NO HILDABEAST CLINTON, period.

  2. The Demographs don't represent Americans anymore.

  3. I tried to watch that Kennedy boys speech but 3 minutes in I was ready to vomit. They should call him "The Snowblower" for the snow job he's giving the snowflakes.

  4. Why not offer someone other than a Democrat? I mean, C'mon.. Schumer is like a lost dementia patient, Hoyer is like a guy that doesn't know what a Perodonist is, and Nancy anyone that can cut grass deserves citizenship.

  5. He should take Hillary for a car ride

  6. How much more entitled White, yet pretending to be not, can one be?

  7. Thank God for this. Good luck, guys. I wish you all the best. You have made a stellar decision.


  8. Wringing one's hands is a signal of weakness, indecision and insincerity.


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