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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Delaware may let students ‘choose’ their race, gender without parental consent

A proposal that would let students in Delaware as young as 5 choose their own race and gender-identity – without approval from their parents – has sparked a bitter battle in the First State.

On one side are parents who say they want a more welcoming climate for their transgender or non-binary children. On the other side are parents who say the proposal infringes on their basic parental rights.

Under Regulation 225, schools would be required to provide access to facilities and activities that are consistent with a student's gender identity—regardless of the child's sex at birth. That includes bathrooms, locker rooms, team sports and adhering to the child's preferred name. Under the proposal, students could also choose their own race.

What has rankled some parents is that the new regulation does not require schools to inform parents of the child’s decision. Instead, the policy advises administrators to assess the child’s well-being before disclosing the information to the child’s parents.

While a growing number of states are imposing rules to protect transgender students, Delaware’s proposed rules go further – letting a child decide, even if the parent disagrees with the decision.



  1. See, this is where the no respect for rules and laws starts, then they wonder why only in America do we have School Shooters.

  2. Well I guess that crazyness is about what you could expect from a state that gave us Joe Biden.

  3. I'm sorry but this is completely insane. Even as a moderate republican who is fiscally conservative, tolerant of others and not religious, I cannot support this crap. 5 year olds have no business deciding anything other than what book they want to read. Not what they eat, wear, sleep in, soap the wash their hair with or any other thing. Watch what happens, Billy wants to be Betsy at school, parents find out and take corrective action and then the Stat4e steps in and removes the child from the parents.

  4. Completely insane. It's no wonder some students are shooting up schools. Much of the fault lies with the US public "education" system. They make children not want to accept themselves with this garbage. If they don't want to be a boy then it's encouraged to "do away" with the boy and be a girl. No one is taught to accept anything. Shame on the degenerates of the DE schools. They are filth and all that is wrong in the country but their sick perverted minds don't see this. And any parent that encourages this-you should have had an abortion. No child should live with parents who are dirty sexual deviants.

  5. The goal of public education is to remove the role of parent and insert the role of government.

  6. Just when you think it can't get any dumber......it does. A 5 year old gets to choose rather they are a male or a female? This isn't California, We all knoow their nuts out there. Get real, people!

  7. If they do that then we will all be white males. I say go for it. Problem is reproduction. We will have to talk to China and see how they imposed their baby ban. Nothing that a good ole commie iron fist cant solve.

  8. You CANNOT choose your gender or race. You are born male or female, PERIOD! No matter what you think you "Feel" like, it CANNOT be changed. Also you are born to a certain race, and that CANNOT BE CHANGED either, PERIOD. What is it about these facts that is so hard for people to understand.
    Tom Goslee

  9. Tom,
    You are preaching to the choir.


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