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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Dear Obama: Happy President's Day Scumbag, Now STFU About Children...

Former POTUS uses Florida school shooting to attack Second Amendment

Dear former President Obama,

Happy President’s Day scumbag! And, how dare you tweet about protecting the children in the wake of the recent tragedy in Florida. That was a new low even for you, and maybe if you really cared about those kids you would have included a donation link to help them instead of just promoting yourself. I bet with 100 million Twitter followers you could have done a lot of good if you would have just taken the 10 seconds to copy and paste the gofundme url.

You know, I used to believe in you, like a lot of Americans did, before we learned how stunningly and completely full of it you are. I’ve been fighting for the human rights of thousands of tortured children throughout the country for years now, and you know how much help I and others have gotten from you? None at all.

Do you realize, the Russians and the Arabs have done more to stop atrocities, like the ones in this video, from continuing to befall American kids than you did in 8 years as president?

So, while your wife was busy paying lip service to “Let’s Move!” All since the last 11 months of your crooked administration when I was arrested by your corrupt FBI for defending a young girl’s life after she was abducted, abused, crippled and nearly killed by your precious Harvard University’s Boston Children’s Hospital:


1 comment:

  1. Thankfully his days are numbered, GITMO for you dude! #MAGA


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