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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Day 14 Of Wife Being Away On A Work Trip


  1. Lame. Go back to bed

  2. Replies
    1. Any good? I want to try it but I don't no?

  3. its true, "men" are just little boys that can't survive without a women. Heck, most of you can't even order your own food. I'm really not sure why you think this is funny, it's sad really.

    1. This is very funny. Apparently you married or are dating a loser.

  4. @7:38
    Lighten up, it's a joke....geez, get a sense of humor!!

  5. Quick.....please......someone rescue that poor dog.

  6. Not my husband! He doesn't need me or any other woman....he's a big boy & can take care of himself! Lucky me!!!

  7. February 24, 2018 at 7:38 AM:

    Hey man-hater, I take care of myself much better than my wife used to. She was a hoarder and kept a nasty house and had poor (actually nasty) hygiene habits. I wouldn't even use the same bathroom as her because she always left it so nasty. I've been in public restrooms that were cleaner than the one that she used at home. Now that's she's gone, I have good healthy nutritious food in the refrigerator and pantry, the house is kept clean, and paying the bills is a piece of cake, now that I don't have to wonder where all the money is going.

    I pity your husband, if you have one.


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