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Friday, February 23, 2018

Dana Loesch: 'Media love mass shootings'


  1. At the end of the video, why didn't you say that directly to him at the red stage interview? We all were waiting for you to throw him under the bus, yet you let Israel off the hook and let him look like some sort of local hero. You FAILED big time there.

    Now, in hindsight, you do the right thing, but you missed your stage to kill off the Progressive's and Leftist's ideology on gun control, which is the main focus to your job.

    When you miss the bus, you have to take a cab, but in a cab, there's only one in the audience.

    1. The pos sheriff is trying to save his own campaign. Now they are investigating themselves and FBI is only their for support. Total joke. I believe the Sheriffs Department has a policy on not entering a school with active shooter unless you have a 4 man team... Thy lying sheriff doesn't no it or is lying. CNN hates cops they will get. Few hours ago a lot of information has come on the Sheriffs failures.

  2. The Terrorist NRA Group provide the tools for mass murders then point fingers when it occur. But, what kind of financial help will this this terrorist group will provide when it comes to preventive measure. The is a powerful group but this Beetch and her privilege members aren't crap. That talk a good game and place blame but profit off such tragedy. It is truly time to take this organization down.

  3. She should have NEVER taken the stage. Completely set up top to bottom. Sheriff beating his chest blaming NRA everyone stands and cheers. The place was a liberal gush feast. Made me ill.

  4. “You don’t need 30 rounds to hunt.” Correct, but the 2nd Amendment was not written in case the deer turn against us.

  5. "Anonymous said...

    The Terrorist NRA Group provide the tools for mass murders then point fingers when it occur. But, what kind of financial help will this this terrorist group will provide when it comes to preventive measure. The is a powerful group but this Beetch and her privilege members aren't crap. That talk a good game and place blame but profit off such tragedy. It is truly time to take this organization down.

    February 23, 2018 at 11:07 PM"

    The NRA does not provide the tools. What kind of braindead fool are you. The NRA did not put the gun into the hands of Cruz. That's the tool. Only tool around here is you. You are a tool who can't think because you allowed yourself to be reduced to nothing but a loser who gulped down the propaganda being rammed down you throat.
    Now if possible use your brains if you even have one but even if you do your propensity to lie to advance an agenda will prevent you from ever telling the truth. You people are the ones responsible. And if you deny you are only getting to that lying you filth do all the time. Cruz if not for the democrat's policies would never have been able to buy a gun. The Hug a Thug mentality of you sick people giving chance after chance to violent people instead of dealing with them the way they should be. And that lying sheriff! Of course he's going to lie. He is a democrat and all democrats lie constantly. There isn't one with any morals or integrity walking the face of the earth.

  6. When you miss the bus, you have to take a cab, but in a cab, there's only one in the audience.
    February 23, 2018 at 9:45 PM

    why did she fail? she wasn't the only one on that stage. and when a student asked a senator a tough question ole jake jumped up and told him he didnt have to answer. this was a scripted, planned and manipulated event conducted by cnn. more bs and fake news. I think Dana has been doing a fine job for many years, not just recently as the spokeswoman for nra.

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